18: Plans

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My breath is still caught in the back of my throat as we drive back to the party. The amount of surprises Ben has been able to pull off tonight is mind blowing. I sit in silence playing with the ring on my finger. I never thought I'd have one of these on my hand again, let alone so soon. But all of it feels so right. This, is where I'm supposed to be, this is who I'm supposed to be with. This is how it was supposed to happen for me. I deserve this. 

Ben places his hand on my thigh and gives it a slight squeeze.  

"Honest  opinion of the house?"

"You did amazing. The kitchen, is my favorite. Our first memories of the house are so happy.  I'm so happy.  I can't believe this night Benjamine."

"Woah, you called out my full name."

"I'm just so mind fucked right now."  He starts laughing uncontrollably at me.

"I love you, pretty lady." My eyes still focused on the ring.  It's so beautiful, and uniquely me.  It's  simple but not traditional. A  thin silver band with a halo of diamonds and an emerald in the middle. It's more than I could ever imagine. 

"Ben, this ring is, breath taking."

"It was my mothers. She gave it to me the night of my brothers birthday party. She told me the moment she met you, she knew it was made for you." I felt the lump in my throat grow. Jane's such a caring person, that wears all of her emotions on her sleeve. The sentiment of it caused tears to slip out.

"I love it." It came out as a whisper.

The ride back to the bar seemed to take hours, but really it was fifteen minutes. As we walk back in, Ben screamed, "She said yes!" at the top of his lungs. I was caught in a fit of school girl giggles. our family and friends gathered around us as I showed off the ring. My brothers were all shaking Ben's hand and they had tears in their eyes. My family is full of empaths, but my brothers kept up a hard front, so this was new for me.

Eli pulled me aside.

"I'm so proud of you Kamden, you came out of your situation the strongest of us all, you embraced your new life with open arms and allowed yourself to be happy, you found your worth and you're letting yourself be loved by this amazing man who is taking you for everything you are, you've been open and honest with him about your life from the start. You are the glue to this family, and on behalf of all of us," By this time the rest of my siblings have joined the conversation with their spouses and my eyes were burning with tears.

Eli  handed me a gift wrapped in 'happy birthday' paper. Inside was another small wooden box, when I lifted the top off, it was a bracelet with the words I love you always on it, but it was different, I recognized the handwriting to be my mothers, the tears flowed down my cheek.

"Flip it over," Lucy insisted.

"My bumble bee you'll be." This engraving was my father's handwriting. The sobs started.

"Oh you guys. This is incredible. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing family and support system. This is lovely." 

"We all have one,  even got one made for Seb, we'll keep it for when he's ready to come around." I wiped the tears from my cheeks. 

"Thank you, guys. This surprise, this night has been something I could only ever dream of." We all did a group hug, I wiped my face one more time and the returned the party. 

All of this night, has been so exhausting, but it in a good way. I look at my watch, it's 11:30. Passed my bedtime, a lot of people have already cleared out. all of my in laws have taken the kids back to wherever they're staying. 

I see Jane saunter over to me.

"Oh Kam! That ring, it was made for your finger." Jane said at a whisper with her hand on her heart. 

"Jane, really, thank you so much. It's so beautiful." She wrapped me in a huge mom hug that. was exactly what I needed. 

"You ready to head home baby?" Ben snaked his arms around my waist. 

"Oh yes, I'm exhausted," I turned to him wrapping my arms around his neck, just living in the moment with him. It's now late, and the bar was cleared except us. 

"Ben, you're the best thing to happen to me." He planted a kiss on my lips and we left for home.

"So, since im such a planner, and if we dont talk about it now, we know that your lease is ending soon, but I just resigned for two years."

"We'll the house thing has been in the works for a few months now. So, when I knew your lease was ending, I went to your rental office, and let them know my plan. So, you didnt actually resign your lease." My eyes went wide.

"You went that far into this plan?"

"Yeah. The other day when I asked about moving in together was just to clarify that we're actually on the same page."

"Wow, you're incredible." I laid my head on his shoulder, drifting off to sleep on the couch. Dreaming of the incredible future I'm going to have with this man. 



Hi friends! This is just a little filler chapter to tide you over until I post the next chapter :)

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