17: Surprise

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The two weeks of my brother and sister-in-law being here are going by way too quickly. They're here for only two more days, they're leaving on Wednesday, which, is a bummer because my birthday is on Thursday. 

This week, Ben's had to spend a lot of time working at the bar, because people keep calling out or just not showing up. It's starting to really frustrate him, he won't say it, but he's wearing it deep in his facial expressions. I think we both got extremely comfortable having flexible  schedules and spending every moment we could with each other. The separation is probably good for us in the long run. I'm spending this rainy Monday watching movies in the apartment with Noah, Hannah and the boys. We were supposed to have family conference call today but everyone canceled. This is the first family call we've missed in months and its weighing on me. Being so close to my family but so far away from them has been increasingly harder since my mom passed away. 

My phone rang from the kitchen counter that seemed miles away from the cozy love seat I'm sitting on. 


"Hey you." I answered the phone cheerfully.

"Hey baby sister. Happy birthday! I know I'm early, but with the signal here in the desert, I figured I'd call while I knew I could."

"Thank you. How's it going out there? Have you found out when you're coming home?"

"It's going by extremely slow. I just want to get home to my kids. I should be home by this time next month, but they keep fucking my dates up."

"I'm sorry Dom, I know its been a long time and we miss you too. Noah, Hannah and the boys are here, want to say hi?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." I hand my phone over to Noah, and they all huddle around talking to him over speaker phone. Ben's military past is still haunting me in the back of my mind. We've discussed it a little, but only to the extent of me knowing he was in the military, it wasn't good, and he doesn't talk about it with anyone, Ive been respectful of that, and I know he'll tell me when he's ready.


Since Kam's birthday is coming up in a few days, and Her brother and his family are already here so close to it, I've decided to close down the bar for the night, and have a huge surprise party. I invited all of her siblings and their families out. She has no idea they're all here. I've also invited my family. My mom adores her. Which is a first, my mom doesn't seem to adore anyone the three of us date. I've also invited friends and the bar employees. Kam has gotten to know every one of them, and she mixes in so well. 

This is the first time our families are meeting and though nerve wracking, I'm not worried. I know they'll love each other. There's just so many people in her immediate family. 

I told Noah to get her here around six thirty. Eli is here helping my brothers and I set up. 

"Ben, this will be the first time we're all together since mom's funeral and I don't think you understand how appreciative we were for you putting this together for her."

"Eli, I'm the thankful one. You guys mean so much to her, I know she's been missing everyone lately. Any word on Dom?"

"He was able to make it happen, He'll be here around Seven."  Eli and I have been secretly working with Dom for a few weeks now to get him here for the party as a surprise to everyone, not just Kam.

"Sweet, I've gotta talk to all of you guys about something later." I looked at my watch, Five thirty. Family starts to slowly trickle in, helping put on the final touches. I had the kitchen staff make special food for tonight, things we don't normally serve.

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