16: Chapters

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It's been eight months since my mom's funeral and life is finally settling back into normal. My photography studio is finally open and the clients are slowly trickling in, I've already booked 4 weddings, so I'm not complaining. Ben's been such a great backbone for me. This past year with him has been a whirlwind of unexpected happiness and craziness that has brought us closer than anything I could have ever imagined. 

The school year is about to start, which means Hannah and Noah are bringing Holden out here to see how it goes, they made the ultimate decision after all the craziness that was eight months ago, that he would finish out the school year there and spend his summer with them, and come to me to start the new school year. They'll be arriving today, to get him settled in before school starts. To say that I'm excited is an understatement, the timing for this couldn't be more perfect. 

I'm standing in the bathroom attached to what will be Holdens room, setting up some finishing touches for him, and I hear the front door open. 

"Honey I'm home." Ben jokes out to me. 

"I'm in Holden's bathroom." He comes in and wraps his arms around me kissing me on the cheek. 

Ben's been staying here most nights recently. It's easier than uprooting the dogs all of the time, and now with Holden coming, my place is the best option. 

"It looks great in here honey, but he's 12, I don't think he's going to care about how the hand towels are folded." 

"I know, it's just for my sanity, okay?"

"Okay pretty lady. Quickie before they get here?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me. 

I slap his chest."You're bad Ben Taylor." And with that, there's a knock at the door. 

"They're here." I squeal out. I rush over to the front door, ushering them in. 

"Hi guys! come in, come in." Ben grabs everyone's bags and puts them in Holden's room.

"Hey Guys, do you want to help me carry these back to Holden's room, I'll show you everything Aunt Kam put together for you while your parents and her talk." Ben says to the three boys.

"We told him it would be your choice if he could play hockey, and that he also had to respect Ben as a disciplinarian." I let out a soft laugh.

"Guys, we're going to be fine. and if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out. I don't have my expectations settled any certain way, I'm going to leave it completely up to Holden, he's old enough to say that he's not happy in a situation. But, I do have to ask, What will you guys do if he  loves it here and doesn't want to leave?" Part of that question is a joke, but most of it is a serious question that needs to be addressed."

"Then, as a family we would make the decision to do what's best for our kids, All three miss hockey, but the other two have found their outlets. Holden hasn't. But if back on the east coast is what he needs, then, that's what we'll do." I nod my head in understanding of them. 

"Are you guys hungry? It's pretty close to dinner time." I said checking my watch. 

"Actually, yes."  We huddle around discussing dinner options, deciding the guys would go pick up something to bring back to the apartment while Hannah and I had some girl time.

"Kam, you have no idea how thankful we are that you're open to doing this for us. And Ben too, He's been such a great addition to the family."  

" You know I'd do anything I can to help, and really I'm in such a great place right now, with Ben, with the studio, with my brain, that the timing couldn't be more perfect, and I'm really excited to have this one on one bonding time with Holden." Hannah and I talk for a little longer before the guys get back with our Chinese food. We all sit around the kitchen table laughing and enjoying ourself. 

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