10: Family

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After changing into clothes more fitting for meeting your 'boyfriend's' family I decided to sit on the couch and decompress a bit.

I look over at Ben and say defeatedly, "Is it too early for a glass of wine?"

He lets out a faint laugh. "Never too early my dear. If you want to take a nap, go ahead, I'll run to the bar and grab the drinks for the party and, I can wake you up when its time to leave..."

"That sounds nice. If you don't mind, locking the door. You can take my keys so you can let yourself back in." He kisses my forehead.

"Get some sleep, I'll be back in a bit." I slip into the sheets of my bed, the feeling, utterly blissful.

I wake up to soft kisses on my face, "Time to get up pretty lady."

"But, I don't wannnaa" I whine like a child.

"You have to, c'mon, up. I'll walk the dogs, you get yourself together. You don't want to miss my mom's food."

"Alright, I'm up."

"Are you just using me for my momma's cooking?" I let out a loud laugh.

"I'll let you know after the party." He kisses my cheek and leaves the room, I hear the dogs prancing around on the hardwoods, their excitement for a walk always makes me smile. They've taken to Ben really well. They're usually a little apprehensive around new people. It feels like it's been so easy to fall into this routine with him. Like things are just clicking into place so naturally. we aren't pushing things we aren't forcing it, it's just naturally progressing comfortably.

While Ben walks the dogs I get myself back together, I run the curling wand through my hair to tighten up my natural wave. I touch up the light makeup I'd already been wearing but that had mostly wiped off on my pillow case. I hear the front for open again and the dogs' tags on their collars jingle. Ben knocks on my bedroom door.

"It's safe." I let out.

"Almost ready?"

"Yes, I just need to change. mind helping me choose something?" I look through my closet

"Dress or jeans?"

"Jeans. Don't over think it, it's going to be pretty casual." I pull out a pair of ripped dark washed skinny jeans, and a long sleeve off the shoulder body suit.

"How about this?" He just winks at me,

"Too slutty to meet your mom?"

"I don't want to hear slutty anywhere near a description of yourself."

"The outfit Benjamin." I laugh and roll my eyes at him.

"Are those crocs?" Ben cocks his eyebrow in a teasing manor.

"Hey don't make fun of my crocs," I laugh back at him. "they're comfortable, and I usually only wear them to the beach or the pool." I reach down on my shoe rack for a pair of beige flats with embroidered bees on the tops of them.

"My mom is going to love those shoes."

"Yeah?" I throw a clip in my hair to style it half up and half down, mainly to keep it out of my face. I check my phone, Five thirty?

"Ben, you let me sleep for four hours?"

"Yeeeahhh, you looked super peaceful, and you had a long night."

"Thank you."

"Uh, how are we getting to your mom's?"

"Well, we could walk back to my apartment and we could take my car, we could take your car, or we could take an Uber."

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