Falling into place

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I collapsed into my chair at my desk, exhausted after the long week. I switched on my computer and waited for it to start up.
No matter what I did, my mind kept floating back towards Matt and Nico. I just want to be left alone, but what can I do? Luckily, I get to see my friends on Saturday. They're coming over for a movie marathon at my place.
I start scrolling through things to do on my computer, but I don't really feel like doing anything, so I go went Google. Maybe I could get a headstart on that term paper for next month. Suddenly a weird site caught my eye. It was called Hypnosis for Beginners. I always had an interest in hypnosis, but I never tried it myself, so I opened the site.
Next thing I knew, I was reading all about the different techniques used to hypnotize someone. They seemed fairly easy. I started getting excited. What if I could try it? It could be so much fun if I could get it right. I wasn't very confident that it would work, but it was worth a shot. I continued reading the article.

"You want to try what?" Madison exclaimed. We were in my room that Saturday. Madison and I were sitting on my bed, while my other friend, Liam was on my desk chair.
"Hypnotism," I replied calmly. "I found this thing on the internet that teaches you how to hypnotize someone and I thought I'd try it."
"Emma, you can't trust everything you read on the internet," Liam said mockingly. He was tall and slim with short sandy hair and round glasses over his brown eyes. "It's probably fake."
"There's only one way to find out if it's real," I said. "We need to test it out."
"Yeah, but on who?" Madison said in a sarcastic thoughtful voice. "We need someone who wouldn't mind it, or more specific, we won't mind doing it to him."
Madison and I both turn to Liam.
"Who, me?" he asked, surprised.
Liam has usually been the victim of anything we try. He's actually a really good friend for putting up with it from us.
"I don't see anyone else," I replied.
"Fine, you'll see that it's fake and then I'll be the one laughing," Liam was clearly nervous, but he was trying to cover it up.
"We'll see," I replied.
I got up from my bed and turned Liam's desk chair so that he was facing me.
"Ok, let's begin," I said and started speaking slowly and lowering my voice a bit. I stared straight into his eyes. "Just focus on my voice. Nothing else matters, just my voice. Feel how relaxed you are becoming. From the top of your head down to your toes."
I could see that Liam was beginning to relax, so I pressed on. I continued speaking to him like this for a while, until he seemed very relaxed.
"Focus on your slow and steady breathing as you become more tired. You feel so relaxed. Now, I am going to count to five and when I am finished your eyes will close and you will be in a trance. Focus on your breathing. Every time you inhale and exhale you become even more relaxed and you will fall deeper into a trance."
His eyelids were slowly drooping.
Almost there.
His eyes closed and his head lolled gently to the side. I hesitated, waiting for him to open his eyes and shout, "Ha! Told you it was fake!" but that didn't happen. I glanced at Madison. She was staring at Liam in complete silence. I decided to continue.
"Now you are completely under my control. When I snap my fingers, you will wake up and you won't remember anything. Your memory of anything and everything will be completely gone. When I snap my fingers again, you will fall into a trance again. Do you understand?"
I heard a soft groan coming from Liam and decided to take that as a yes.
"Here goes everything," I murmured to myself and snapped my fingers.
Liam's eyes fluttered open immediately and he looked around him in surprise.
"Where am I? Who- who are you? Who am I?" He scrambled out of his chair.
Madison looked at me in surprise. "Is this for real?"
"I think so," I answered. I could feel pride glowing within me. I had managed to hypnotise someone on my first official try!
Madison took a step closer to Liam, who looked absolutely terrified. "Get- get away from me! Who are you?" he stuttered.
He stumbled backwards and almost fell over the chair.
"Come on, Liam," I said, testing out what was happening.
"No! Wait!" Liam was almost shouting, his face showing blatant terror.
He backed away until his back was pressed against the wall.
"Aww, the poor guy. I'm starting to feel sorry for him." Madison said, turning to me. "I think you should bring him out of it."
"Yeah," was all I could manage to say. I snapped my fingers and Liam collapsed. Madison and I rushed towards him and caught him before he hit the ground. We dragged him back to the chair and gently lowered him down into it.
"All right," I started. "When I count to three, you will be back to normal and you will have no recollection of ever being hypnotised. One, two, three." I count quickly, to get it over with and Liam's eyes slowly open.
"I told you it wouldn't work!" he said with a grin on his face. Madison and I both start laughing and Liam's grin fades away.
When we were finished laughing, Madison told Liam what happened and I watched as his face slowly became bright red.
"So it actually works," he said slowly.
"Yeah," I said.
"So what are you gonna do with your new superpower?" Madison asked teasingly.
"Probably nothing," I replied. "Great power and great responsibility and all that. Anyway, it's not even a superpower. I don't think I'm going to use it. It would be wrong."
"I guess," said Madison, not entirely convinced, but I was serious. I didn't want to use this new skill on people. What good would it do, anyway?

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