He Ends Life Place

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Mr Adams' POV
It was kind of weird running over one of your own students, but there I was.
She was out cold and I couldn't wake her up, so I took her back to my home and treated her wound. She seemed to have been shot at the leg. Only the side of her leg was grazed, so she will recover quickly.
When I saw that she had woken up, I decided to make coffee for her, but when I turned away, she attacked me.
I turned around just in time to see her jumping at me. She punched at me, while I tried to reason. "Emma," I said. "What are you doing? Emma?"
She was quick and agile. I had to do something fast or she would gain the upper hand over me. Luckily I was stronger and bigger than she was and she had a bit of a weakness.
I kicked her in her bullet wound and she gave something between a groan and a growl, clutching at her leg. I knew she wouldn't scream, as to not attract attention.
When she was off guard, I pushed my fingers down between her right shoulder blade and collarbone, where the pressure point was. She groaned and sank down under the pressure, trying to fight back.
When she was down, I hit her on the right temple. She gasped and fell to the ground.
As a biology teacher, you kind of learn a few tricks when studying the human body.
"Sorry," I muttered, picking up her limp body.
I carried Emma back to the couch and gently put her down. She was definitely not acting herself. It was time to figure out what was going on.

Emma's POV
I woke up and everything that happened flooded back to me.
I groaned. Maybe I should stop getting knocked out for once. And that's the first thought that comes into mind when I was a trained thief a while ago. Wait... I was sarcastic again? That's new.
I looked around. I was lying on the couch, again.
Slowly, I swung my legs around so that my feet touched the floor. Ouch, my leg hurt so bad. I don't know how I ever walked with it.
I stood up, wobbling, then lost my balance and started falling. I grabbed at the coffee table and accidentally pushed a lamp off the table. It fell with a clang, but didn't break.
Mr Adams quickly came in from the room, looking nervous. He glanced at me and sighed with relief when he saw me wobbling there.
"Come on now," he said sternly, walking​ towards me. "You were shot there, last time I checked. You should know better than to be putting any weight on it just yet."
Mr Adams helped me back onto the couch. I sat there, catching my breath while he picked up the lamp.
"How did you find me?" I asked eventually.
"Pure luck," Mr Adams replied. "When I saw the wreckage, I knew there was no car accident. The police also suspected it, but they had no proof, so it was dropped. I tried to investigate myself, but I kept coming up short. There were also these weird robberies happening more frequently. Done by groups or unknown families, so I looked into it. Then, one day, what do I find on the news? Footage of a small group of people breaking into a mansion. See, the whole place was a setup. To catch the people behind the thefts. They had cameras stationed around the place and cops waiting not far away. Anyway, so I saw the camera footage. It wasn't very clear, but I could easily make out something a lot of people wouldn't notice. A young teenage girl with red hair. The camera only got you from the back, but I could make out that same ponytail you wore to school that you now have as a fugitive. Well done for that, by the way. Long story short, I drove to check it out and then you bumped into my car."
I sat in silence. I was now not only someone who forcefully changes people, I was a burglar and possible murderer. That escalated quickly.
"Why am I not hypnotised anymore?" I suddenly asked.
"Well, I did... dabble in the art," Mr Adams said proudly. "I figured out you were hypnotised, which took a while. I'll spare you the details. But yeah, I did study hypnotism a bit in college. I had to brush up, but I was able to get you, since you were only half awake. I removed the stuff they put in you. Well, everything I could. The deeper stuff like hypnotising other people to go to your little company is still in there, but I made sure that you remember everything that happened. Wouldn't want you forgetting all this."
"Great," I said, hoisting my leg back onto the couch. "Sorry about... trying to kill you and all that. But thanks."
"Don't worry about it," Mr Adams said gruffly. "Now, let's get you back home. Your parents would be quite glad that you aren't quite dead."
"What? No!" I said. "I'm- I'm not going back! I can't go back! Not like this."
"We can explain everything to the police and get you off the hook, so you can go back to your normal life," he explained.
"You know it's not going to be that simple," I replied.
Mr Adams sighed.
"You're right," he said. "It's not. But we have to at least try."
"No," I said firmly. I've been through so much; I'm definitely not going to be going along with what anyone says. "I'm going to go back there and get my friends out."
"What? Alone?" Mr Adams asked. "You're definitely not going to march in there alone and grab your friends and go."
"Maybe I don't have to go alone," I said, grinning. "They would be suspicious of what I did when I was gone. And they probably know by now that I went into this place with you. What happened here? We can't just shrug it off."
What are you suggesting?" he asked, eyeing me suspiciously.
"I'm suggesting that I pretend to have captured you and take you to the base. I still know where it is. Then we go find my friends," I explained.
Mr Adams sat in silence for a while and then replied, "Alright, fine. That's at least better than letting you go alone. I can't think of anything else we can do."
"Then it's settled," I said, feeling a mixture of both triumph and dread. "Tomorrow, we go back."

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