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I slowly walked out of the garage. When there was no one to see me anymore, I broke into a sprint.
I ran as quickly as I could through the hallways, not caring where I was going. Every time I heard someone approaching, I turned another corner and kept going. I didn't want to think or do anything, just run.
Suddenly, I felt my body slam into someone and staggered backwards. Looking up, I was met by a face with short sandy hair and brown eyes. It was Liam.
He looked a me with an expression of annoyance and walked away. I watched him go in silence as he left me standing there. He didn't know me. Nobody knew me.
I slowly walked to my room and closed the door softly behind me. Then I collapsed in a heap, crying.
I sat on the ground, just sobbing my eyes out. I was alone, trying to accomplish the impossible. Trying to rescue my friends, when they didn't even know who I was. Maybe I shouldn't have come back. Maybe I should have gone home and forget about all of this, but I knew I couldn't.
I stopped crying after a while, only sitting there in a small heap. After a long time, I stood up and went over to my bed. Exhausted, I instantly fell asleep.

I woke up and sighed. Still in the same place. Somehow, every morning I woke up, I would hope that it was all just a dream. It never was.
I got up and put on my usual gear for the day. It was the same clothes I wore when I first came here. I guess that's easier than finding new stuff. I also didn't seem to have a mission today, so I could dress casual.
Suddenly, I was called to the training center. I frowned. I didn't think I had training that day, but I quickly walked there anyway.
When I opened the door, I was met with an empty room. There was usually equipment and training gear in there. I walked in slowly. Against the side wall was a window where people could watch us train from a small​ control room. It was tinted, so I couldn't see if anyone was in there.
I wanted to run away, but then they would know. I closed the door behind me and went deeper into the room.
Suddenly, a voice rang out from the speakers against the walls. Someone was talking from the control room.
"Looks like you finally got here. How has your time been with us? Is it hard to pretend that you're a helper to create the greatest underground company that will ever exist?" It was the boss. I remembered his voice from when I was hypnotised. I knew that they had caught me. I couldn't pretend anymore.
"How did you know?" I shouted at the dark window.
"Don't you think we have sources outside? I sent a few people out just after you were left behind. I'm not just going to abandon a witness."
I stood rooted on the spot in silence. I was so stupid! Why didn't I realise that? Was my judgement clouded?
Suddenly, a door in the wall swung open. It looked just like the wall, so I never knew it was there.
From the darkness, emerged Madison, Liam, Nico and Matt. I stood there, staring.
"Oh, so these are the people you came to 'rescue'?" the voice came again. "Yes, that seems to be them. Luckily, we had quite a nice source to let us know what you were up to."
Mr Adams stepped into view.
His face was as blank as the rest of them and he was wearing the same black combat uniform.
"No," I whispered.
"Yeah, it's always helpful to get an extra man on board," the boss continued. "I have to thank you for that. But it's time for you to come back to our cause. We wouldn't want you running around any longer. And I do love a bit of irony, so why not capture you with the people you captured? You can go now."
The last sentence was directed at the people standing only a short distance away from me. Suddenly they all ran towards me, uncaring, with the same viciousness they would use against anyone else. They jumped at me, trying to capture me. I had no choice but to fight back.
Liam reached me first and I flung him over before he could do something, so that he landed on his back. Mr Adams tried to knock me out, but this time I knew where he would aim, so I was able to dodge. I continued to fight off all of them attacking me, but they started to pull out their guns, so it was becoming more dangerous for me. They could easily shoot me somewhere that wouldn't kill me, but they had to be careful not to hit each other.
I had just dodged Matt, trying to punch me, when I saw Madison, pointing the hand gun at me. She had a clear shot.
It was my last chance. I felt the adrenaline pumping through me and jumped into a flying kick, hitting her in the jaw. The training was paying off, but the kick was only hard enough to knock her off balance. I quickly grabbed her gun and hit her on the temple so that she fell to the ground. I held the gun to her head.
The whole room became silent as everyone stood and watched.
'No, no. Not this again!' I thought, panicking. Madison looked up at me with the same stone faced expression. She wasn't herself anymore.
"What are you gonna do? Shoot your friend? Shoot all of them?" the voice tainted me once more over the speakers.
She was still my friend.
Suddenly, I knew I had to get out. I couldn't save them anymore, so I had to run. And I knew how.
The one thing I noticed about the place, was that they actually did value life. Even the lives of these slaves.
I grabbed the person closest to me. I couldn't focus on who it was, but I pointed the gun to the person's head.
"I'm leaving now," I spat.
I walked back slowly to the main door, still with the hostage. When I reached the hallway, I started running, clutching my hostage. I had to find the exit.
A few people came to stop me in my way, but I was able to shake them off and keep running. I quickly reached the exit before too many others could catch me.
I ran off, fleeing like a coward.

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