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I rolled to the side as a bullet shot past me and scrambled to my feet.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a few people approaching us. They must have heard the gunshot and saw us here, but the rest seemed to be too far away to have heard it.
I didn't have time to think about it, since the gun was being pointed back at me.
Standing in front of me was Madison. I was frozen on the spot. I couldn't move or think.
Nico came from behind and tackled her to the ground, just as the others were almost upon us. Nico was struggling against Madison on the ground, but I didn't have time to help him. I had to keep the approaching group off of us.
I turned to face them and hit the nearest person in the left temple, which made him fall to the ground. My fear and desperation was making me fight harder. For survival.
I jumped out of the ditch we were in and kicked a woman in the back of the head who had just jumped in.
I looked at the rest swarming around me. There didn't seem to be any children this time, but at that moment I wasn't even sure if I would go lighter on them if they were there. I was ready to fight whoever stood in front of me.
I kicked up at a woman running towards me and my foot collided with her waist. There was a soft crack and she fell to the ground, clutching herself as someone came to drag her away. I didn't have time to focus on that when a man pointed his gun to my head, but I ducked quickly before he could shoot and his first bullet missed me and grabbed his wrist. A second and third bullet fired, hitting two people coming at me. One was hit in the head and the other in the shoulder.
I used all my strength I could muster to flip the man over my shoulder and onto the ground where I kicked him in the head where he lay.
My breathing was becoming heavier. The sweat was dripping off my forehead mixed with... What? Blood.
More people were coming for me now. At first they seemed endless, but they seemed to be getting fewer. I was tired and couldn't fight as hard anymore. Two men came and grabbed my arms. I tried to struggle, but they had me. Another man came up and punched me. I could see spots forming in front of my eyes. It was becoming harder to think. Harder to fight.
I kicked at the man, but it almost had no effect. He grinned at my useless try and went for another swing.
Suddenly his arm was twisted behind his back and he let out a yell. Nico pushed his arm further back, making it snap and flipped him onto the ground.
Nico went to get the man to my right off me. I saw Madison lying on the ground in the ditch. He must have fought her off just in time to rescue me.
I felt the grip on my right arm loosen and I turned to free my left hand. The hands were gripping me tightly, so it would be a struggle to break free. I looked up to the man and froze.
Looking up, I saw the face of Mr Adams. They sent him to come capture us. They sent him and Madison. They - whoever they are - are playing with me. Hanging people I care about right in front of my face. I was tired of it. Tired of hiding.
"You bastard!" I yelled, fury pumping through me, and punched Mr Adams under the jaw. He slumped to the ground instantly and I stood above him, panting.
It was quiet around me. I turned and looked at Nico. He was breathing heavily and his eyes looked wild. Probably not as wild as mine looked, for he watched me hesitantly. Our eyes were locked for a short while and his gaze slowly softened.
A shout came from the distance and I turned my head sharply in the direction. The rest of them were coming this way again.
"If we move quickly, they might not notice us," Nico said urgently.
I looked around on the ground. Their were people strewn all around me.
"Get Madison," I commanded. "You can carry her, can't you?"
Nico didn't argue and I turned back to Mr Adams. I swallowed and quickly bent down to pick him up. He was heavy, but I mustered my strength and slung him onto my back. Nico had Madison draped in his arms like a damsel who didn't try to kill us.
"Are you-" Nico started.
"I'm fine," I snapped. "Let's go. Quickly."
We trekked through the trees as fast as we could, trying to gain some distance. We hadn't been spotted yet and we just had to get out from these trees. Maybe we could find something then.
We continued on for what seemed like hours. I knew the wood wasn't so big, so it must have been only about twenty minutes before we broke out through the trees and reached a road.
"What now?" I asked.
"We hitchike," Nico replied, heading towards the road. We waited in anticipation for any car to come across this deserted road. I looked behind me nervously, waiting for them to come out of the trees and find us. After only three minutes, a car came up from the distance.
"Follow my lead," Nico muttered and stood in the middle of the road to meet the car.
It was a medium sized silver car. I didn't really know much about cars, so I couldn't tell the type. The car stopped in front of us and Nico went to the driver's window, with me following close behind. There was only one person in the car. A woman with long blond hair of about forty.
"Please ma'am," Nico started, sadness filling his face. "We were out hiking and my friend and her father both fainted. They both have this family sickness and we need to get them to a hospital."
"We don't know what to do," I continued. "We have no way of getting there and we don't know what will happen to them if we don't get there quickly."
The woman was looking at us, wondering what to do.
"We just need a ride there," Nico said. "Nothing else. Please."
The woman bit her lip.
"Alright," she said. "I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I can only drop you off at the nearest hospital. Get in the back. One of you can sit in front."
"Thank you," Nico said greatfully.
We quickly put Madison and Mr Adams in the back of the car and I sat next to them, while Nico went to sit in front. He would be the best person if any conversation struck up.
I let out a soft sigh of relief as we drove off, leaving our old sanctuary behind us.

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