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"There," Madison whispered. "The base."
We were walking slowly through the trees, but upon spotting the base, we quickly took cover behind a cluster of bushes. My heart was beating quickly and my face felt warm. After days of travel, we finally arrived.
I felt nervous as the time to plunge into danger came closer. It had been so long that we were safe and now...
I shook the thoughts out of my head. Now it was time to finish this. No matter what happens when we get in there, it will be finished.
The secret garage door opened and a car drove out.
"Go now," Mr Adams whispered and we sneaked to the garage and slipped in before the door closed.
The garage was empty of all people and there was only lot bunch of cars lined up.
"Okay, you all know what to do," Mr Adams said and the rest of us nodded.
There didn't seem to be any alarm going or someone to have seen us. We were still undetected.
We split up into teams of two, with Madison and I together and Mr Adams and Nico as a team. Madison and I quickly went the way we had planned to go look for our friends. I looked back just in time to notice Nico disappear around a corner right behind Mr Adams.
I followed Madison as she ran through the corridors. She knew the area better than I did.
"We can go to the administrative area," Madison said as we ran. "There might be something on the location or rooms of Liam and Matt."
"There's a place like that?" I asked.
I guess I did know very little of this place. Madison didn't answer, concentrating firmly on the path we were taking to get there. We slowed our pace to a quick walk for fear of being heard. Every time footsteps approached, we would hide and wait for them to pass before continuing. After about ten minutes of sneaking around, we stopped in front of a door that looked the same as every other door to me.
Madison drew her gun and slowly pushed down the door handle. The door stayed shut.
"Dammit," Madison said softly. "It's locked. We'll have to try something else."
I thought for a few seconds.
"What if..." My voice trailed off as I heard footsteps approaching.
Before we could hide, a tall guy with glasses and a few files in his hands came around the corner. It was Liam. Probably on his way to the same place we wanted to go.
When he noticed us, he dropped the files. I guess we were known fugitives. He was about to call for help. We had to stop him, but how? He's still our friend...
I hesitated.

"Move!" the man shouted at me.
I tried to fight back or escape somehow, kicking and squirming, but my hands were tied behind my back, which made it difficult. The man pushed me forward as he held my arm.
I glanced sideways at Madison, who was also struggling against the person leading her. We were captured soon after coming across Liam. They took away Madison's gun and tied us up. The people received instructions over their earpieces that we couldn't hear and now we are being lead somewhere.
As we reached the familiar door of the traning center, I noticed Nico and Mr Adams waiting there, also having guards surrounding them.
"Any success?" I asked.
"No," Mr Adams answered before our capturs could interrupt.
"Shut up," a man growled and we went silent.
Mr Adams's response could actually mean anything with the guards around us, but being captured was definitely not part of our plan. Time to improvise.
"Ok, it's ready," one of the men said to the rest. "Take them in."
We were shoved into the room and our hands untied. What was going on?
I saw the big man in charge for the first time since I was hypnotised in the first place. He had much the same outfit and sunglasses.
"You may leave now," he said to the men and they walked out, leaving us alone with him.
I stood with Madison, Mr Adams and Nico by my side as we faced the person standing only a few steps in front of us. He was completely unarmed and unprotected. I looked up at a huge screen behind him and a bunch of speakers plastered over the walls.
"Like the upgrade?" he asked, noticing us looking around. "It's much fancier than that dingy old room."
I noticed a remote in his hand that he was fingering in anticipation.
"What's going on?" I demanded.
"Oh, if you must know," he said dramatically. "I just brought you here for a little test. You see, I don't want to lose so many valuable team members, but the bunch of you are so much trouble. Especially together. I can't keep the whole lot of you and I definitely can't let some of you go. It's time to see who is the strongest. Who can stay."
"No, I think it's time for you to finish!" Madison yelled and charged at him.
The boss clicked something on his remote and a high pitched sound burst out of the speakers.
The sound quickly pierced through our ears and dug into our brains. It was excruciating. I sank to my knees as my head felt like it was bursting over and over again and screamed. I noticed the same was happening to everyone else, except the boss, just before my vision collapsed.
I was soon lying on the ground, screaming as if it might lessen the pain that was searing through my skull.
Suddenly the sound stopped and I slowly returned to normal, breathing heavily. I stood up again, only slightly disoriented now and regrouped with my comrades.
"That was a warning," the man said as we faced him again. "I wouldn't want to do it again. It's fine for me since I'm protected, but it can't be so great for you. I wouldn't want to damage property too much."
"What do you want?" I growled.
"Nothing you can really do," he replied. "You all just need to relax and enjoy yourselves. This might not even take so long."
The big screen lit up. It was a hypnotism screen, like the one that was first used on me, only this one was ten times as big.
Images started flashing too quick for me to really see them and sounds came from the speakers. It was meant to hypnotise us.
"Now," the boss said. "You fight to survive."

Hypnotise UltimatumWhere stories live. Discover now