Life to the Fullest

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I woke up instantly, sitting up in my small bed. I didn't need a watch to tell me that it was 5 am. It was a big day and I was meant to get up half an hour earlier for preparation.
I got up and quickly showered and dressed. My usual casual outfit. I tied my hair in a ponytail behind my head. I should have my hair dyed black soon for the night time. It was much too bright. I'd have it shaved off, but that would draw too much attention.
I left my room and walked down the hallway to the preparation center. I had to prepare for a mission.
I had only been here for three months and nine days, so I was still in the training faze. I have mastered only the basic skills, but since I was one of the youngest people here, I have gone on six missions already. We were still expanding, so there were no younger people. Yet.
I arrived at the center, where I was geared with only a few flash bombs and a pistol. It was all only a precaution. Things could go wrong, but they rarely do.
I climbed into the back of the car, looking like a normal teenage girl. My mission codename was Charlie 3. Next to me was a tall boy with curly brown hair, Delta 4, and in front of me, a woman with blond hair and a lot of makeup, Beta 2. I usually didn't like the much makeup, but we were trying to look normal and not blend into the background. The driver was our leader, Alpha 1. He passed out earpieces to all of us and started the car. We drove out of the base.
"This is a routine capture," Alpha 1 reminded us. "You all know what to do. We need him alive and we get in and out as quickly as possible."
We drove up to the hotel where our mission would take place. I climbed out of the car and walked with my team into the lobby. Alpha 1 started talking to the receptionist, discussing our stay here as a family of four. Delta 4 quickly swiped a cleaner's all access card, while our 'booking' was being confirmed.
Since the system was hacked a while ago, we were quickly given a card to our room and we left for the elevator.
Our team ascended to the top level and went to the room where the man was staying. The cameras should be off by now, so we used the card to enter the room. Inside was three men in black clothing, most likely guards. They were beginning to pull out their guns.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Beta 2 said, approaching them with a smile. "Isn't this our room? The key card seemed to-" She didn't finish her sentence, instead kicking the middle guard in the head and he fell over.
Alpha 1 took out the right guard, while Delta 4 punched the left guard in the face and I kicked him down as he staggered. Delta 4 punched him so that he would be out cold, while I continued on.
We ran through the hallway, until we reached the room where the man was. Alpha 1 quickly injected him before he could shout and the man passed out.
Suddenly, I noticed more guards approaching us.
"Incoming!" I shouted and we all spun around to face them.
I took down the man running towards me, hitting him with the barrel of my gun. He fell over, but he wasn't unconscious. I pointed my gun at him. We try not to kill too many people, but sometimes it is necessary. Before I could pull the trigger, Alpha 1 came up next to me and shot the man.
We knocked out the rest of the guards and tied up and gagged the man. Alpha 1 slung the man over his shoulder and we ran out the room and into the hallway again. We went to the fire escape. There were no more people in our way, so we quickly got outside, climbed into the waiting car and drove off.
The man started waking up. He seemed to be pleading, terrified. I ignored him.
When we returned to the base, the man was taken to a room. Probably for interrogation or something. It wasn't my problem anymore.
I left for my scheduled training, leaving the mission behind as just another notch in my belt.

I was walking down the hallway to my room for the night, when I heard shouts coming from a corridor. Someone might be in trouble, so I went to investigate.
I silently creeped through the hallway, following the sounds, when I suddenly came to a hallway with many wooden doors to the one side.
It looked quite familiar, but I didn't know why.
I walked to where I heard the noise coming from. It was from one of the rooms here. There was a small square opening in the wall, smaller than my head. I peered through, cautiously.
Inside were seven people, all in their late twenties or early thirties. They were the ones shouting for help. A man noticed me and walked towards me.
"What do you want with us?" he asked, his green eyes filled with fear. "Why are we here? Please!"
I backed away from the window. What was going on with me? Something about the place... I was against the wall. My breathing was becoming unsteady and the man was still pleading, the others joining him.
"Hey!" a voice rang out.
I sighed with relief. It was one of the guards who worked around here.
"You're not supposed to be here," he said to me.
"I'm sorry, it was my mistake coming here," I replied. "I'll be on my way."
I walked past him and around the corner. When I was out of his sight, I started sprinting. I ran all the way into my room and quickly closed the door behind me.
I breathed out heavily. It was fine now.
I was safe.

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