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We all walked side by side back to our dark alley we momentarily called home, with Mr Adams, still unconscious, slung over Nico's shoulders.
"I see you easily followed my trail," Madison remarked. "I knocked over some stuff while I was chasing Mr Adams to help you."
"Yeah, thanks," I said. "That did help quite a bit."
We reached the alley, which was unchanged since our sudden departure. Nico lay Mr Adams on the ground, when he suddenly seemed to remember something.
"Wait, shouldn't we check Mr Adams for a gun or something?" Nico asked. "I mean, you have a gun, Madison, so wouldn't he have one too?"
"No," Madison said firmly. "He was part of the ground party."
"What?" I asked.
Nico seemed to be sharing my confusion, since Madison sighed.
"I guess neither of you have been there for long enough, so I'll explain," Madison started. "So, during the hunt for the two of you, we had the ground party, which Mr Adams was part of, that was chasing you two. They didn't have weapons on them, since their training was more limited. The ones with guns, was the stealth party, which I was part of. We hung out in trees and stuff for in case you came strolling past, which you did for a few of them. A kind of one man ambush. I stalked out by that ditch that you might find as a good hiding place and I could attack you there. Which you did and I did, so here we are."
Madison took out her gun and twirled it absentmindedly. Nico and I watched it go in anticipation as the lethal weapon was being treated as a toy. We shared a small worried look and returned our gaze.
"Oh, sorry," Madison said, following our gaze. "Force of habit."
She tucked the weapon out of sight again.
"I don't remember having that much gun training," Nico said.
"I was kind of part of this special assassin training stuff," Madison said, shrugging. "I'm not even sure what it was."
"Yeah, Madison was more special than we were there, Nico," I said jokingly. "We had to do dirty work while she had all the fun."
Madison scoweled at me before grinning.
"Yeah, lucky me," she said sarcastically.
"Well, who's hungry?" Nico said. "This whole business really gets you starving."
"I could use something to eat," Madison said. "Some actual food would be nice for a change."

The night came and Mr Adams was still unconscious. He must have been knocked out quite hard.
Madison decided to keep watch in case he woke up again and Nico and I went to sleep on the ground. The night was cold with nothing but boxes to keep us warm. We lay close to each other to try and keep warm, since we couldn't light a fire. Soon my eyes were closed and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up lying on my back, stretched out in greeting to the rising sun.
I slowly got up, noticing Madison still sitting on the ground, watching our sleeping prisoner.
"Hey," I said sleepily and sat down next to her. Nico was still asleep at the place where I was sleeping moments ago.
"Hey," Madison answered. Her eyes had dark circles around them and she looked tired.
We sat in silence, with nothing really to say to each other.
After a while, Nico lifted his head and yawned.
"Yup, I'm awake," he said, rubbing his eyes.
"Well, then I guess my shift is over," Madison said, standing up. "If you'll excuse me, I have some sleep to get to."
She walked over to a spot she seemed to have prepared during the night and clambered into a bunch of boxes to shield herself from the sun.
"Goodnight to you," she said, closing the boxes around her.
I smiled as her head disappeared. It almost looked like she was sleeping in a coffin.
"How about we go grab some breakfast?" Nico asked. "I think I saw a nice food on the go place just a short walk from here."
"But, what about him?" I asked, glancing at Mr Adams.
"Don't worry," Nico said. "We'll only be gone for a bit. And even if he wakes up, getting untied again would be quite difficult. Especially since Madison tied the ropes."
"Okay, fine," I said, grinning. "Solid points there, I guess. You obviously thought this through."
"I do try," Nico smiled. "Let's get going."

I bit into my breakfast wrap and savored the taste in my mouth.
"Well, I know what I'm eating for the next few weeks," I said with a mouth full of food.
"How do you eat that?" Nico asked, biting his breakfast burger. "This stuff is much better."
"Oh please, I bet you haven't even tried it yet," I retorted. "It's in any case better than egg on bread."
"Yeah, yeah," Nico said dismissively and we resumed walking back to the alley where Madison was probably still sleeping.
"Do you have something for Madison?" I asked Nico.
"Yeah, I got her a burger like mine," Nico paused for a second, thinking intently and then asked me seriously. "Do you think we can trust Madison? She could be really dangerous to us if she's not on our side and she's the only one with a weapon. How can we be sure that she isn't working against us? How do we know you were able to remove everything from her?"
I thought for a few seconds to ponder the sudden unexpected question.
"Well, I know she's my friend, so I trust her," I said. "And if I couldn't remove everything from her, then you would also have the same stuff in your head. You aren't a double agent, last time I checked."
"Yeah, I guess so," Nico said. "I'm being paranoid."
"I just think you're jealous because it's not just the two of us anymore," I teased him.
"Sure, that must be it," Nico said sarcastically.
We continued walking and laughing in lighthearted conversation. We were still stranded in a place we didn't know and persued, but for now, that didn't matter.

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