Hostage Situation

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I ran until I reached a road.
I stopped to catch my breath, putting my hands on my knees, finally lowering the gun from my hostage's head.
I stared at the ground, breathing heavily. The shoes still standing in front of me indicated that the other person was doing the same.
Who did I grab, anyway?
I looked up into the face of Nico, staring at me with absolute loathing. I knew that the only reason he didn't attack me, was because I had the gun.
"If you touch me, I shoot your hand off," I threatened. I had to set some boundaries.
I could see the darkness beginning to creep into the air. I had to find someplace to rest, if only for the night, where I wouldn't be spotted. I couldn't leave Nico. He would just go back to that place.
"Walk," I commanded him, lifting my gun up again.
He walked in front while I was behind him. I looked around, searching for anywhere we could go, when something appeared in the distance.
It was a small but dense cluster of trees, probably only as big as a town. A miniature wood next to a rarely used road.
I smiled slightly. It was a little glimmer of good luck for me and I was going to use it to the fullest.
When we entered the trees, it was almost completely dark. I had to find a nice place quickly, before it became too dark.
After a few minutes of walking, we stumbled upon the remains of a campsite. A bunch of people must have been there a few days prior. There was the remnants of a campfire in the middle, with gear that was left behind strewn all around. I smiled to myself.
I found a few pieces of rope and used it to tie Nico's hands and feet together. I couldn't let him escape. Then I searched around for some dry wood to make a small fire with. Luckily, I kind of still remembered the camping skills I was taught as a kid, so it didn't take too long to get a fire going.
The sky became dark, but I kept the fire burning. Nico was sitting on a tree stump, facing me. I sat on the opposite side of the fire on a fallen log. He wouldn't sleep and I couldn't fall asleep with him there, ready to escape at any moment.
I felt the gun in my hands. For the first time, I noticed that it was a bit light. I checked how many bullets there were. None. The gun was empty.
Of course. Why would the boss give people loaded guns for a capture? They only thought it was loaded. I also thought that. When I pulled the trigger, it was jammed. Great. My only defence was empty and broken. Nico noticed that I was having trouble with the gun. Now we both knew that I was without a weapon. Luckily, he was still tied up.
I stared at Nico and he stared back at me. We were enemies around a fire. The night wore on and soon it must have been about midnight.
"I'll get free," Nico said suddenly. "When I do, I will get you, you traitor. You left and then you came back and tried to destroy us from the inside. You're a traitor and a liar! You liar!"
Nico lunged at me, trying to attack me. I quickly kicked his bound feet from under him and he fell to the ground.
"Get over it," I snapped. I pulled Nico up by the arm and dragged him back to the stump. He sat down again and glared at me.
This couldn't go on. I had to get him back to normal. I had to try at least.
I crouched in front of Nico, staring into his eyes.
I snapped my fingers to put him into a trance. Since he was still glaring at me, I assumed that it didn't work. They must have removed those stuff from him. Time to do it manually.
"Look into my eyes," I said. "Try to relax. Focus on nothing but my voice. Nothing else matters. Just listen to my voice. Try to relax. Focus on your breathing. Every breath makes you feel more and more relaxed."
I could see Nico was relaxing, but not very fast. I had to go on for a while before he seemed deep enough. I continued to talk for a long time, before finally, I could start.
"When I snap my fingers, you will fall into my trance and you will only listen to me."
I snapped my fingers and Nico closed his eyes and his head nodded slightly. I had to do this quickly and maybe I wouldn't start putting weird stuff in his head. Again.
"Now, when you wake up you will be... You will be..."
I was feeling dizzy. The world before me was starting to blur. I had to fight it. I had to do this.
"You will no longer be under anyone's control," I pushed ahead. I could now barely make Nico out even though he was right in front of me. "You will still remember everything that happened, but you will be your own self again. When I snap my fingers, you will wake up."
I slowly lifted my hand. With my last bit of strength, I put my fingers together and snapped. The sound echoed through my body and I felt my strength draining.
I closed my eyes, fell to the side and hit... something.

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