Hidden Again

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The car was completely silent as we drove. No one felt in the mood to say anything and I was grateful for it. My only worry was that Madison and Mr Adams might wake up, but they seemed to be out cold.
I looked out of the window at the world as we whipped past. As we drove on, the trees and bushes lessened and there were more buildings. We seemed to be getting closer to a city.
I was already planning in my mind what we would do when we left the car, since I had nothing else to think about. After a while I decided to turn my mind to other things.
I glanced at Nico sitting in the front seat. His eyes were closed and he sat sideways in his chair. He was taking a rest. I wondered if I should do the same, but decided against it. Someone had to be awake to keep watch. You never know who the enemy is.
After a while, we reached the city. The buildings around us almost pushed through the clouds and there were cars everywhere. People were walking around on the sidewalk, going about their lives.
We drove up to a series of big grey buildings and the car stopped just before the driveway.
"Okay," the woman said. "Here you go. This is the hospital."
"Thank you so much," Nico said, unbuckling to get out of the car. "We'll be okay from here. We can take them in. Thank you. Thank you very much."
I got out of the car and walked over to the other side with Nico.
He opened the door and pulled out Mr Adams and slung him over his shoulders. I silently reached inside and dragged Madison out, closing the door behind me. The car drove off, leaving us standing on the sidewalk.
"Let's go," I said, when it was out of sight. "We need to find someplace deserted."
"Wouldn't it look weird with us carrying unconscious people around?" Nico asked.
I sighed. "It will have to."
We set off along the road, going further to where the buildings were closer together, but the people were also lessening.
We received looks from people as we passed them, but everyone seemed to be quite gladly minding their own business.
After a while, we reached a dark deserted area behind what seemed to be a factory shop. The damp air stank slightly and there were drains with brown gunk flowing around us, but it was isolated. We could stay a while without being seen.
I lay Madison down on the ground, while Nico propped Mr Adams up against a wall.
"We need to get something to tie them up with," I said.
Nico looked at me, surprised. He was about to speak, when I cut in.
"They're still the enemy! The second they wake up, they attack. We need to be ready for them."
Nico paused for a second, looking at me, when he spoke. "Ok, what about I stay with them while you find some rope or something?"
I nodded and walked off.
Being back around so many people made me realise how dirty I must've looked. I couldn't have gotten any thinner yet, since we haven't been on the run for that long, but my clothes were covered in dirt and tiny tears had formed in my sleeves and pants. I glanced into a window at my reflection. My hair could use a good brush through.
I reached a small hardware shop in a slightly cleaner looking area. There was all kinds of tools advertised outside on racks. Only the cheap stuff. The expensive stuff stayed inside the store. You never know when someone might steal something.
I looked over the racks until I reached the rope in long coils. I looked around and reached out to take one, when I noticed the barbed wire next to it.
It would probably be easier to tie them up with wire. If they got out, they would kill us. They would show no mercy. They did not know us.
'But they can know you again. They trust you and need you to help them,' a small voice from somewhere in my mind spoke up. The part of me before all of this happened. The part of me that still worries about guys and what people thought. The part that cares about people. I had pushed it back in favour of survival.
I grabbed the rope and sprinted off before anyone could notice me. When I was a safe distance away, I tucked the rope away in my clothes and walked the rest of the way back to where Nico was.
He was bending over Madison and Mr Adams, but when he heard my footsteps, he quickly stood up. They were still unconscious.
"Hey," he said anxiously. "Did you find anything?"
"Yeah," I pulled the rope out from under my jacket. "Let's tie them up."
I bent over Madison to tie her hands behind her back and her feet together, while Nico did the same to Mr Adams. When I was done, I propped Madison against the wall and sat down against the opposite side of our damp hiding place. Nico finished with Mr Adams and walked over to me. He sat down, facing me.
"Hey..." Nico started.
"Oh, hey," I said, only glancing in his direction and then looking back to the two unconscious people in front of me.
"I guess we'll just gave to wait for them to wake up," Nico said.
"Yep," I said, still looking in front of me.
There was a short silence. I didn't want to speak.
"Look, it's going to be okay," Nico said. "We found two people and we can help them."
"Look, I know, just..." I looked at Nico. "I'm fine, okay? This is just... hard."
Nico fell silent again. We sat there for a while.
I put my chin on my knees.
"I can't do this anymore," I said softly.
"What-" Nico was cut off as I continued.
"I can't take it. This... this whole thing. All we do is run around, not knowing what to do, where to go, anything! And it's just a game! A sick, sick game! As we try to hide they - whoever they even are - they just chase us! Tease us! Wave the people I hurt in front of my face. Why? Why do they do it? Why did I do it? I could be at home, worrying about guys and school, but I'm not. None of us are! None of them are!"
I was now standing, glaring down at Nico. I was breathing heavily. I leaned against the wall for support.
Nico stood up slowly, his hand outstretched to me.
"Hey, it's okay," he started.
"Don't touch me!" I shouted as his hand hovered above my arm. "Just... leave me alone!"
Nico looked at me calmly and stepped closer to me.
"No! I just..." I started. "I just can't anymore..."
I collapsed into Nico's arms and he held me tightly against his chest. The tears started to flow down my cheeks and stained his jacket.
"Hey, it's okay," he soothed me.
"I don't want to do this anymore," I sobbed.
"I know, I know," Nico said.
I felt warm in his arms as he squeezed me tight. I stayed there for a while, crying. Suddenly, I felt him gently push me away with his hands still on my shoulders. He looked me in the eyes.
"We'll get through this," Nico said determinedly. "We'll fix all of this and it will all be okay. Okay?"
I sniffed and nodded.
"Now come on," he continued. "Let's go get something to eat."
He put his arm around me and we slowly walked off.

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