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I woke up slowly, groaning. My head was throbbing and I was still on the stone floor. Well, that eliminates the possibility of this being a dream, I thought.
I pushed myself up with my hands into a sitting position. The others were all watching me intently.
"What happened?" I asked, still feeling a bit groggy.
"Um... well," Liam started. "It didn't work. You were giving all these weird instructions and we tried to stop you, but you just kept going, so we had to knock you out. You fell over and Nico woke up a little later, almost tearing through us to see if you're ok."
I sighed. "So, I guess that didn't work. I only remember starting to say something and then just darkness."
"We'll just have to be like this a little longer," Nico said with a small smile.
Everyone sat in silence for a long time. It could have been minutes or hours, I didn't know. I didn't have my watch with me.
I tried to figure out a way to escape. There was also a small window in the wall here, but I could only stick my hand through. The door was solid and wouldn't budge. Even if we escaped, I had no idea how we would get out. I had no memory of the layout of this place.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching. They were coming back. Why?
I had no time to figure out an escape plan, when the door opened and there was the man with the smirk. He had two other men standing behind him.
"First up, is the one who did it all. Why don't we take you first?" he said, looking at me.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"To your new living space," he said with a grin. "Sorry for moving you around so much, but we can't just keep you here," he said, beckoning at the cell. "Now come, or we'll make you come."
I couldn't see any way to escape, so I quietly walked to them. The one man grabbed my arm and the other man closed the door behind us.
I was being led down endless hallways, when the man said to me, "Quite a big place, isn't it? It's actually underground. We got it through some... special persuasion. You can get used to being here now. This is your new home, after all."
"I will not stay here," I spat out. "Someone will come find me. Find all of us."
"Oh, but my darling, you made sure they won't," he said mockingly. " You and your friends clean up quite nicely. But just imagine the news. Five reckless teenagers all died on the same night after driving so irresponsibly off a cliff. Such a tragedy."
I fell silent. The world thought we were dead and we were trapped here. The hallways were long and winding, making it impossible for me to memorise anything.
Finally, we stopped in front of a door. It looked exactly the same as all the others.
"Before we get to your room, we have a short stop to make," the man said, opening the door.
Inside was a man of about 40. He had greying hair and he was wearing denim jeans and a pale grey shirt.
"Bring her in, Greg," he said.
"Yes sir," the man with the smirk said. Now I knew his name.
I was pushed into the room. It was quite small and a chair stood in the middle with rope next to it. I was quickly bound to the chair, while the man watched. When they were done, the other men left, leaving only me and the man referred to as 'sir'.
He started setting up some equipment.
"You know, I could just get someone else to do all this for me, but I prefer to do it myself, if you can understand that," he said to me.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm the boss," he said. "The founder of this little empire. We're only about 50 yet, but we're expanding. That's our goal, you know. Expansion and whatnot. Oh, you seem so worried. Let's do this quickly."
He switched on the screen he had set up in front of me and pushed it closer to my face. Images were flashing on the screen so quickly, I could barely see them. There were swirls and people and all kinds of things. I couldn't look away.
"You think you can hypnotise people," the man said next to me. "Please, it's barely anything. Quite weak stuff. The real thing is when you have the experience and equipment, like you see in front of you. Don't worry, just relax. This is all going to be okay soon. Your breathing makes you more and more relaxed. The quicker you breathe, the sleepier you become."
I could feel myself relaxing... No! I'm supposed to fight! I can do this! Just don't listen and don't look. Don't look at the pictures. All the pictures... Don't listen...
My breathing was becoming deeper. My eyelids were drooping.
"That's right," he continued. "You feel so sleepy. On the count of three, you will be completely under my control."
I can fight it.
I have to...
My eyes closed and I was gone.

Boss's POV
She was completely gone. I knew I had her, like the many times before. A lot of the people here had gone through this process.
This one was a bit young, but she would have some use. She and the others she brought.
"Now," I said. "From now on you will be completely under my control. You will not remember anything from your previous life. Your only purpose will be to be me and the other people here. You belong here now. You have no name. From now on, you will refer to me as master."
It was an easy system. The hypnotised called me Master and the others called me Sir.
"When I clap my hands twice, you will fall into a trance again. Do you understand?"
She murmured in reply.
"Alright, now wake up."

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