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I walked into the classroom with my bag slung over one shoulder. Immediately I spotted Nico, staring at me.
Oh great, I thought. Maybe it didn't work. Maybe he's still normal. Or maybe it did work and it just made stuff worse.
I didn't know what to do, so I just continued walking towards him. Why did our desks have to be right next to each other? Then, he looked away.
He didn't say anything, just looked away.
No scene, no proclamations of love and no embarrassment.
I glanced at Madison, who was only a few seats away from me. She shrugged and turned away. It clearly worked well.
Then I noticed Matt. His desk in the corner had never looked so forlorn. Neither did he.
His head was bent down over a book and his shoulders were hunched. As if trying to make himself as small as possible to hide from people and just... blend into the background.
I couldn't look anymore. Was this a bad idea? No, he seemed fine. Maybe a bit shy, but nothing else.

"Hey, Emma, something weird just happened," Madison said, coming up to Liam and I, while we were eating our lunch. "Nico came up to me... and he asked me if you ever talk about him."
"That's weird," I said, frowning. "Why would he do that?"
"Um, I think you know why," Liam answered, leaning back. "Or did you forget that little thingy you did yesterday?"
"So he wants to know if I talk about him," I said, trying to sound casual. "Big deal. What did you say to him, Madison?"
"I told him that you're not interested in him. He looked disappointed and walked away," Madison replied.
"You think it's-" I was cut off before I could finish. Nico burst into the eating area. Right behind him was Matt, lunging at him.
Soon, Nico was on the ground, scrambling with Matt on top of him who was punching him in the face. Again and again.
Everyone stopped eating and watched. It's quite typical. Nobody tries to do anything, it's just entertainment to them.
"Was this you?" Madison asked me.
"No!" I replied quickly. "I- I didn't tell them to do this!"
What was going on?
"Leave her alone!" Matt snarled through the punches.
Nico finally managed to push Matt off him and quickly stood up. He looked completely bewildered, but ready to fight back.
Suddenly, Mr Adams rushed into the room. He grabbed Nico and Matt both by the collar.
"Stop it, you two!" he shouted. "You're coming with me."
He started walking off with the two of them, still clutching their collars. He was slightly taller than both of them. That's probably why Matt and Nico didn't continue hitting each other, since Mr Adams could still take them down.
As he walked passed me, he muttered so only I could hear, "Come to my classroom after school. Alone."
I glanced at Madison and Liam, who looked just as bewildered as I was. The rest of the school continued eating, as if nothing happened.

I slowly walked into Mr Adams' class. He was bent over something on his desk, but quickly left it when he saw me come in. He hurried around me and shut the door. Then he turned towards me.
"What did you do?" he asked sternly. He towered over me, with his pale green eyes starting intently at me. His dark brown hair stood in many directions. He was probably in his early thirties.
"What do you mean?" I stuttered, caught of guard by his directness.
"I'm not that unobservant," he replied brashly. "A short while ago, those two were teasing you every time you stepped into this class. They were always together. Now suddenly, they are at each other's throats, but also leaving you completely alone. Why would that be? Both their attitudes changed completely and the only one who benefits from this, is you. Don't take me for a fool, you did something and I'm pretty sure I know what it is."
"All right, I might have done something," I said desperately. "But nothing like this! I never made any of this happen! I just tried to fix everything. I was tired of them and how they treated me! A little bit of hypnotism-" I stopped myself, but it was too late. Great, someone else to know about this.
Mr Adams had a satisfied smile on his face (I bet he already figured it out and just wanted me to confess), but it didn't last long and then he frowned again.
"How did you figure out how to do this?" he asked me.
"It was just this thing on the internet that I found," I said, shrugging.
I did try to show it to my friends, but I couldn't find it again. Still, I wasn't going to tell Mr Adams about that.
He sighed and said, "That could be dangerous, but fine. They better be normal again by tomorrow. I'm serious!"
"All right," I said. I would remove the hypnotism when I see them again. "Can I leave now? Please?"
"Fine, go." Mr Adams said and opened the door. He rubbed his head in dismay. I quickly walked out.

"Yeah, he just figured it out for himself," I said that night, calling Liam. "I guess I will have make them normal again. Oh well, bye."
I hung up and fell onto my bed. I guess I will miss having Matt and Nico leaving me alone. It was nice while I had this peace, but it somehow came with side effects. I'm still not sure why. All this thinking will have to wait until tomorrow.
I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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