Going Home

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I pressed the button to let the window roll down and allowed the breeze to run through my red hair. I looked at the location growing more and more familiar as we drove on.
It was only Mr Adams driving and me in the passenger seat.
"Well, now we finally get to go home," he remarked.
"Yeah, can't wait," I said.
"And get back to school on Monday too," Mr Adams continued.
I groaned.
"Oh come on!" I exclaimed. "Already?"
"Yes, already," Mr Adams smiled. "You missed a lot of schoolwork in 7 months."
"Yeah, yeah," I said and thought for a minute. "So, what happened to that guy now? You know, the boss of that place?"
"Well, he escaped in the chaos," Mr Adams explained. "The guys that came in were a distraction for him to get away, but the police will get him soon. It can't take too long with about 100 witnesses."
I nodded, saying nothing.
"So..." he started. "That thing with you and Nico there. That was interesting."
"I guess it was," I replied simply.
"I heard that there's this thing that happens," Mr Adams said. "When people go through traumatic incidents, they tend to develop feelings for each other. You and Nico were alone together for a long time while being hunted down. So, you think that might be all it is between the two of you?"
"Maybe," I said, shrugging. "Who knows? We'll just have to see how things go."
We drove on in silence for a while.
"What about you?" I asked Mr Adams.
"What about me?" he replied. "I have a pretty good job and a nice life."
"Aren't you lonely?" I asked teasingly. "Living alone and all. Do you have any friends or a girlfriend?"
"I have a dog," he said.
I snorted, trying to stop myself from laughing.
"Sounds amazing," I replied. "So, why haven't I seen this dog before?"
"My apartment building doesn't allow pets," he said. "He lives with my parents."
"Ah," I said.
So he was alone. Oh well, the man loved his work.
We stopped the car and I looked out the window again.
"I guess this is your stop," Mr Adams said. "Are you sure I shouldn't come in with you? You know, help explain things to your parents?"
"I'm sure," I said, climbing out of the car. "I'll be fine. Stop worrying."
"I'm your teacher," he said. "I'm pretty sure it's part of the job."
"Yeah yeah," I said, closing the car door. "Well, see you at school."
"Goodbye for now," Mr Adams replied and backed the car up.
I watched the car drive away and disappear around a corner. I was alone.
I looked around as the sun's faint rays shone on the trees and houses stretching around me. I breathed in the air, savouring it, and stood for a momement, taking in the calmness.
A part of me missed the time of danger that was now past. The adventure will always be in my memory and the memories of those who went through it with me.
I turned around and looked at the house in front of me. It was a nice looking place.
The wind pushed lightly against my face as I turned away from it and started walking.
Walking home.

Thank you for everyone who read my story! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. It has been a pleasure writing this, but sadly, this tale has now come to an end. Thank you for all the support!

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