Going on

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I was on my way to a nighttime mission. Those were always my favourite, since I get to blend into the background and sneak around. I always enjoyed that for some reason.
I was wearing black clothes with black gloves and a black cap with my hair tied back. Everyone else was wearing similar clothing. We were 10 in the group, since it was such a big mission. We were on our way to collect some funds for our cause. Not the biggest mission, but I was still a trainee.
The scenery outside was flashing by quickly in the darkness, bit it seemed slightly familiar. I didn't explicitly remember any mission here.
At exactly 10 o'clock, the car stopped in front of a building and we all climbed out. It was quite a big mansion. There was supposed to be a lot of money, so we were going to find it. I was instructed to look for a safe or something that could hold the money, so I went inside with everyone else.
The alarm was shut down and the people who lived there must have been on vacation or something, so no one was there.
We started off as a group, but with every new corridor we split up. Soon I was alone.
I searched every room I came by, tearing the portraits off the walls and looking inside every desk and cupboard. The quicker we find this thing, the better.
After a while, my earpiece received a signal. Two short beeps and a long one. Someone had found it.
I followed the coordinates given to me and arrived with everyone else in a bathroom. The mirror was on the floor and where it had been, there was a safe in wall.
Someone was opening it, when suddenly sirens started to wail.
Oh no.
There must have been a silent alarm that was triggered somewhere. Now the police were outside.
The whole group was suddenly on edge. The safe was opened and this girl with dark brown hair and eyes stuffed a bunch of documents into her bag.
Documents? For some reason I assumed it would be stacks of money or gold bricks.
We all bolted out of the bathroom and to the back entrance, where our cars would be waiting.
We got outside and ran to the cars, but three police cars came from the side towards us. We kept running. Men jumped out of the cars where the alleyway was too narrow and ran towards us, but we were far ahead.
Suddenly, I felt a pain spreading through my left leg. I was shot.
I fell down, while everyone else kept running. I saw someone shot in the shoulder and someone else in the back, but most of us were unharmed. I was the only one to fall.
I quickly scampered to my feet. Everyone was in front of me now and the policemen were almost on top of me. I started running as fast as I could, but the throbbing pain in my leg slowed me down.
My group climbed into the cars and drove off. They left me here. Alone.
I shook my head. They didn't have a choice. They had to go or we would all be caught.
The policemen were still behind me. I had to get away, so I could find the base.
I noticed a sharp turn into a narrow street and ran down it. A fence came up in front of me. It was about three times higher than I was, but that wasn't a problem. I ran, jumped with my right leg to the fence and started climbing up. When I reached the top, I jumped down to the other side. It didn't help the pain much. I glanced down and saw that my pant leg had a red stain, but luckily the blood wasn't dripping on the ground.
I ran again, taking as many turns and routes as I could, to throw off any chasers. After a while, I was completely alone.
I slowed to a walking pace. I had to get shelter and maybe food for the night. I decided to make my way back in the morning. Right now, I had to figure out where I was.
I reached a main road and started walking down it. It was quiet and no one was around. Maybe I could get to some roadside place. I didn't have any money, so I would have to make a plan when I got there.
I was so emersed in my thoughts, that I didn't even notice that I had moved to the middle of the road. Suddenly, I heard something behind me. I turned around just in time to see lights shining in my face.
It was a car, coming towards me. The car braked, but it was too close. I held my arms in front of my face instinctively to brace for the impact. The car hit me in the stomach and I was thrown backwards, my head hitting the ground hard. I felt my head groggily. No blood, but everything was fading. My eyes were closing.
A man ran up to me from the car. "No no no!" I heard him say. "I'm so sorry. I didn't - Emma?"
My eyes closed and the world went black.

I woke up slowly. My head was throbbing. When I tried to move, I felt a stabbing pain through my left leg. I lay still and looked around.
I was lying on a couch in a small living room. There was a small kitchen area and a table with chairs in the corner. It was an apartment.
There were two doors on either side of me. One for the exit and one for the bedroom, I guessed.
Suddenly, to my right, the door opened and a man walked out from the bedroom.
He was quite tall and looked about 29 years old. His eyes were pale green and he had untidy brown hair.
"Good, your awake," he said with a smile. "Sorry about almost killing you with my car. I figured I'd take you to my place, since I don't know where you live. Anyway, welcome to my humble home. I'll make you some coffee."
Who was he? He seemed to know me. I had been compromised. I had to get out of here quickly, but I had to take him out first.
He turned his back to me and I softly stood up from the couch.
I slowly walked over to him and when I was close enough, I lunged at him.

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