Sterielle singing the Doraemon song!

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Sterielle: *Wakes up around 1:00 am* I need to go.. *Goes to the bathroom*

6 minutes later...

Sterielle: Much better..

???: *In a creepy voice* Hi.

Sterielle: Ik!

???: Is she Sterielle?

Sterielle: *Goes behind the bathroom door and closes it*

She hid in the bathroom until the voices were gone, little did she know Andrew and James were just checking the camera system..

Standrew: What's up with her?

Stick James: Don't know.

Standrew: *Leaves*

Stick James: *Watches the recorded video*

Sterielle: *Opens the door and starts singing Doraemon like a mad man*

Stick James: The fuq?

Sterielle: *Runs to her bedroom, still singing Doraemon and closes the door* If I could  do this, wouldn't it be nice. I have lots of dreams. But he makes them all come true.. with his magical pocket!!

Standrew: Hey, where's Sterielle?

Stick James: Uh, she's in the 2nd verse of Doraemon..

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