Baseball Hat

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[Stay tuned, will be a sneak peak on Soda Fighters - Zombies and Guns]

At the bar...

Steric: *Drinking alcoholic*

Staddison: *Walks in singing* Happy birthday to you, happy birthday from m-, and you're drunk...

Steric: *Gasps creepily* ADDISON!!!!!! *All the bottles crash to the floor as tries to reach him*

Staddison: *Gets startled* Hey Eric, how's the birthday....?

Steric: But you're not even friends with *inaudible noises* Baseball hat...

Staddison: Oh yeah? Cool...

Steric: Haha.. *Stands up and hugs Addison* *Says it very fast* Hey Andison, Hey Addison..

Standison: What?

Steric: Hey Addison, Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen..

Standison: What? What?! What?!

Steric: Addison listen, Addison, Addison, listen, listen-..

Standdison: WHAT-?!!!!!???

Steric: *Demonice voice* LISTEN!!! *Voice goes back to normal and still acts drunk* I love you... Let's uh, let's grow old together in everyway... EVERY WAY!

Staddison: Kay...

Steric: *Starts dancing* Dance party for meh! *Trips and falls onto the broken glass*

Staddison: O-O Dude!!

Steric: *Stands up while some body parts are bleeding* Yeah! *Walks away* Hey ladies!!

Staddison: *Groans* Ugh.. Fuck..

Steric: Hey babe~! Knock knock, who's there, bang, bang who, bang with me.. BOOM!!!

Stammanda: Aw~, that's so romantic, call me-!

Steric: *Walks away while putting on shades* Yeah, whatever..

Staddison: Oh my god dude, what happened?!

Steric: I know right! I'm a proooo!!

FLASHBACK, this time reality..

Steric: Baebepopababirthday..*Sheep sound* Knock knock?

Stammanda: *Breaks the bottom of the bottle with the edge of the table*

Back to present..

Staddison: Wow dude.. *Pulls half of the bottle out of his head* You're really drunk, I gotta take you home..

Steric: No way!! I've never puked from throwing up!!

Staddison: ....... You mean drinking?

Steric: *Gasps and starts walking around* Drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking, drinking....

Staddison: Eric!! Ugh!

Stammanda: *Complains* Aurgh! Men are such pigs..

Stick James: *Right beside her* I can go all night baby, I'm the charm you need right here.. *Growls*

At the bathroom..

Steric: *Points at himself in the reflection in the mirror* You don't know meh..!

With the bar keep..

Barkeep: *Cleaning the glass*

Steric: Is this eal knife...? Nah?

Under a table..

Steric: My eyze r puzsle pieces....

At the bathroom again...

Steric: Let's grow old together in everyway.. e-except for the gay way. *Flushes the toilet and places his head into it*

Staddison: We gotta go dude.. You banged with that toilet pretty hard..

Steric: *Stands up* Your mom is making out with a lampost! Yeah!! Hey! You leave my mother out of this! *Growls and his stomach grumbles*

Staddison: Noo.. no!

*Slow motion*

Steric: *About to barf*

Staddison: No!!!

Steric: It's my time!!

Staddison: Are you kidding me?!

Steric No!!!

Back to normal..

Steric: *Barfs onto Staddison* Buahahahahhabauhahuaba!!

Staddison: Ugh! That's what you sound like when you puke?!

Steric: I don't know man!! *Barfs* Buahahahahabuahaha!! You don't know where I've been!! *Pukes* Buahahbuahaha!! *Sits down*

Staddison: *On the floor filled with puke* I hate you..

Steric: *Laughs*

Staddison: I hate you so much!!

[Sneakpeak starts now!!]

Bee: *Sings Digitally* Hello! Motherfuckers! Owh!

In the mall..

Georgia Stick(Stick George): *Aims shotgun at potato chip bag*

Stheona: Seriously girl? You don't need a shotgun..

Georgia Stick: You kiddin?! I was trying to get this bag open for like a week!! This bag was made by Satan!! *Shoots the bag and nothing happens*

Stheona: Woah!

Georgia Stick: See! See!! Ugh, I just want some chips...

(Hey guys, I am creating a random series for Soda Fighters and as well, I am making soundtracks like Electrical Feelings, and To Los Angeles. I'll be posting them on youtube soon so you can check them out soon, see ya!)

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