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Three girls the age of 15 were in class learning about Neverland. "Miss Emma! What does Neverland have to do with The American Revolution?" Amy the know it all of the class asked. "The Americans thought that a shadow took their boys, young men around the boys age in this room." The teacher replayed. "I told you we should have skipped class." The red-hair girl said. "Then we can't go to the trip to Boston!" The blonde one remarked. "Will you both shut up! I want to hear this." The girl with a black jacket said. "Clara, Liz, and Sara! Is there something you would like to share with the class?" The teacher asked.

Sara stood up and said, "I have seen that shadow before, but..." "But what?" "There was a boy around the age of 18 with him. No one saw him because they don't believe, but the children saw him. The boy with the shadow they called him." Sara is about the boy's height, blue eyes and long brown hair. "The mad witch!" Ringed in her head like when she was a little girl. "Well that's very...." Then the teacher fell. "Miss Emma!" Amy screamed. Sara went to miss Emma and felt her hand. "No pulse. No heartbeat." Sara said sadly.

"Great!" Clara said. Liz hit Clara hard and Clara fell to the ground. Sara heard something. A pipe. "Sara..." It whispered. "What is that?!" Clay, Clara's brother and Sara's best friend, said. "No! I don't want to go back!" Elizabeth and Amy screamed as they both hit the wall. Green smoke went to into every teenager in the city. Elizabeth and Amy both got up and ran. Sara tried to go after her but Clay held Sara back. "Sarabell. You know Lizzie she cool off soon." Clay whispered in her ear. "Clay I don't think that was a time when she would lie." Sara got out of his grip and ran after her friend. "Liz!" She yelled. Elizabeth came out of where she was hiding. "Liz! Don't run off like that!" Sara's motherly likeness that she always had remained her of Sara's mother that died when she was 5.

"He is coming! I don't want to be his again." Liz screamed. As then the green smoke filled their lungs. They both passed out on the floor for about 2 hours. "Sara! Sara!" Clay's voice woke her. Sara sat up with her friend by her side. "What happen?" Sara asked. "We are in the new Neverland." He answered sadly. "Neverland? Peter Pan, lost boys, thinkerbell? That Neverland?" Sara answered. "Yes but this is maybe the last I will never see you again." Clay said. "What?" Sara got up and watched her best friend go away from her. "Oh! Sara your mother was right about Pan." Clay came up and kissed Sara's forehead. "So long and one

more thing.......

Don't play games with Pan."


hey! this is my new book lost girl in Neverland!

The Lost Girl Series 1-3Where stories live. Discover now