Book TWO Chapter 8 & 9

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As I walked away from Pan's tent, I felt a pull to my body. I saw my Aunt Emma and a man I didn't know. Why do they have my body? What do they want? I saw the grim war in their hands as I watched them. I bit my lip afraid. "soon my daughter," the man whispers when petting my hair, "You will be with me." I gasped and hid. Me? His daughter? No I cant be.

My dad is dead

Chapter 9:


I appeared in Pan's tent again and laid by him. My father should be dead......why would my father want me? I have no important powers. My father wouldn't want me...just my powers. I sighed softly and fluttered my eyes close. Maybe I could get some sleep if I can. 

David (Sara's father.)

I looked around the old camp Pan had. I put Sara's body down gently on a bed. Moving the hair of her face, my fingers touched her skin gently. I smiled softly at my beautiful daughter. She was just a baby when her mother took her away. I loved them both but now....... Jessica is nothing to me. All I want is my daughter. My Sara. Emma walked in, "My king, what do I about the boy?" I smiled evilly, "Let me think about it.." Emma nodded and walked away. I closed my eyes and thought of a memory. The one time I found them. Sara was only a child, about five.

"Mommy look!" Sara was holding a baby bird in her small hands. "Oh sweetie what happen to the bird?" Jessica's sweet voice ringed in my ears. Sara's blue eyes looked up sadly to her mother, "The birdy broke its wing, mommy." Jessica smiled and took the bird gently. Jessica said a spell.

"In ventum.

Hanc Volabo.

Et virum volitare per caelum ferri.

(in the wind.

this bird will fly.

fly high and soar through the sky. )" Jessica let the bird go and the bird flew above Sara's head. Sara giggled and went around with the bird, talking to the bird. I smiled. She has the gift that my grandmother had, talking to animals. Jessica smiled.

I sighed longingly. I missed so much of her life. I'm her father. I should have been there to be a father to her. I touched her head once and backed up. Her spirit appeared next to her body. I smirked.

Soon my daughter, you and I will be together.


I opened my eyes and saw my body. I heard a chuckle, "You're awake." I looked to see the same man that calls me his daughter. Darker hair, dark eyes yet looks like me. He stood slowly as looked at my body. My body was in a white dress with white flats. My hair was down and I had a crown on my head. "Soon Sara, you'll be alive." he came closer and touched my body gently. "why do you want me?" I raised an eyebrow. He smirked and chuckled, "You're my daughter, I want you as my daughter and princess for my kingdom." "What do you mean 'your kingdom'?" He sat down in a chair and I came closer to him, not too close of course.

"Long ago, your great grandparents on your mother's side and mine signed a contact, saying that one of their offspring will marry-" I cut him off, "You and my mother." He glared at me. I sighed and let him continue, "Anyway, when we married. The kingdoms combined into one, then you and your twin brother were bor-" "WAIT I HAVE A TWIN BROTHER" He smirked and nodded, "His name is Castiel." I sat on ground, "......then what happen?" "Your mother.....she thought I was evil. She took my powers and took you. She hid you from me because of your powers. You have many powers. Talking to animals, controlling the weather, controlling people and minds. You can bend to people to your will." I was shocked....I can do those things?

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