Book THREE Chapter 3

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Sara walks into her room. She sighed and sat at her desk, working on new laws to help pay for everyone in the realms. She couldn't believe that so many men wanted to be her husband as letters to her accepting the games came in. She was shocked to see so many men already at the castle in her court, talking with her nobles.

She didn't mind as she talked with the nobles. Many of them wanted to know her. She acted respectful and wanted the same in return. She made sure they were taken care of.

Later that night, a celebration was planned. Many of the women danced with their husbands while the noble bachelors were dancing with single women. Sarah was watching the men closely. She bearly danced at these events, mostly would think about her son.

"Your highness." She looked up. It was Pan. "My I have this dance?" Pan held his hand out. She was shocked to see him but took it slowly. She was out of her seat and was dancing.

"Remember the old times when you would dance with the lost boys?"

She ignored what he said, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to win you heart again." Pan smirked and pulled her close, then his hands went to her face. She pulled away, then went back to her throne.

Let's play Pan. She thought

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