Chapter 6: Hide Behind the Books

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Later that week, there was sunshine breaking through the clouds once again. On the very first day of our math class, my teacher made us write a test on our grade-7 material. I found the test doable, even though I beat myself up for not preemptively studying for it. I should have guessed there was going to be a teacher with a surprise test up for us. When she brought the tests back to us, I was told I was the only one in the class to get full marks. Finally! Something I didn't suck at. I had found my sanctuary.

That day I committed myself to give my very best to the academic part of my school life. I would study hard for every single test and exam, I would make sure I understand every single concept, and I would aim for the very best marks I could get. Books brought sunshine to those first days of high school. And they would prove to be my salvation for many more dark days.

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