Chapter 61: Delayed Happiness

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So, let me ask, what do you expect? What would be a good ending to my story? "Her dream comes true and she lives happily ever after!" That would be a perfect fairy tale ending.

Since this book is based on true experiences, I guess I'll have to just tell what actually happened.

I was sitting on my bed when I got the text. Somebody had managed to get their hands on a leaked version of the top 10 results. I was second in the country.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you first had to explain to yourself how great of a success something is before you got excited about it?

I know many of you would have expected me to start doing the running man as soon as I saw that top ten list. But I'll admit, for the first minute or so, I was kind of disappointed. I wasn't first in the country.

I had to first tell myself having second place means you still have space to improve, somewhere to go, something to hope for, something to live to achieve. It means you worked hard and you got rewarded with results you should be proud of, but you can keep living and working hard.

For those who are wondering, Richard, got first place. And just as well, because he not only worked hard, but he worked smartly as well. It's very unlikely, but Richard if you're reading this, first of all, I know your name is not really Richard but you know, legalities. And secondly, you were a worthy rival, you deserved the best place, and thanks for the competition.

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