Chapter 19: He Gives The Greenlight

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My father was still not convinced. He insisted on that doctor's visit. If I am to be brutally honest, I hated him for that. To the girl I was at that point, he was just the Devil's servant that was going to ruin all my hard work.

But to pass the doctor's test, I just had to have the correct BMI, right? On the fateful day when he planned to take me to the doctor, I stepped on the scale in the morning. 48 kg. 17.84 BMI. Damn it! The doctor was going to say I was underweight! Make me...

I had a plan though. Two bottles of water each 500 ml would weigh 1kg. If I just drank these right before going to the doctor, my weight would be above the threshold. Healthy weight. So, two bottles of water went into my school bag that morning. And on the way to the doctor, I just so happened to be very thirsty.

When I stepped on the scale in the doctor's office, I was just over 49 kg. And the doctor said, "That's the normal weight for girls her age." I couldn't have loved him more than I did at that moment.

He went on to draw some blood for a test, "just to make sure." When the results came, other than being slightly anemic, everything was perfectly fine. Just a couple of iron pills and all would be well.

The very bad hunger pangs were also becoming rare and far apart. I was almost completely immune to it all. I had practically mastered my survival tactics. Off to a decent start of 2012.

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