31 - Where We Go From Here...

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Marc's POV (Moments after Mia leaves to see Kendra)

Waving her goodbye from the garage I go back inside to see Jake, "I gotta go, Lydia needs me." And I watch him leave as well.

I wasted time by cooking, eating, and then dancing to some music before I saw Mia's phone on my desk. I reached over to get it, now don't get me wrong I trust her and I didn't want to pry or anything. But I turned it on and saw about 25 messages just recently from Kendra. What was so startling is when I see the death threats, name calling, and the previous pattern of Kendra's ways with my Mia it was obvious Mia was in trouble. I quickly called Lydia.

"Hey Marc I'm busy...." She said sounding out of breath, stressed out, scared even. Something definitely wasn't right if Lydia sounded like this. I hear something in the back that made me believe she was actually busy. "Well it's about Mia and I think she's in trouble?"

"Wait a minute? Mia in trouble, Where is she right now?" She said more serious and into the conversation. That's when I hear a buzzing sound, a car engine perhaps. "She went over Kendra's house."

"How long ago?"

"About 20 minutes ago."

"I'm almost home....hold on." There was a pause, lot of grunts and cursing before Lydia sighed in relief. "Alright I'm back...Mia's tracker...it's- I gotta call you back. She's-oh my gosh Wad-" She hung up. What she said caught me off guard but I shook it off and ran out the room.

Jake was gone, Mia was gone maybe in Demetrius mind-controlling Kendra type danger, Lydia wasn't responding... It's up to me. "Austin-"

"Austin isn't here, it's just you and me baby." I couldn't believe my eyes. After just talking about Mia being the one here I am faced with this reality.


She looked half dead with cuts and open wounds all over her exposed skin, her wings dragged behind her looking the most damaged

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She looked half dead with cuts and open wounds all over her exposed skin, her wings dragged behind her looking the most damaged. Her leather dress was torn and once straight hair was frizzy and matted.

"I need to know everything." She reveals to hold a gun,

"What are you talking about?" She holds me at gun point with a crazed look in her eye. She looked so determined and how no remorse in her eyes. "Why leave? Why fall in love with another woman? Why not forgive me and fix what was wrong with us darling love?"

"Your insane."

She smirks, "Maybe but don't you like a bit of insane?"

Shaking my head no, "Get out of my house Lucy."

"I visited little Mia, she's sweet, she's pregnant. To be honest I think I'm more excited about this baby than you."

"Wait Mia is pregnant? How do you know?"

"I'm just so excited that only in a few months she'll return what she stole and you'll come around, and we'll be one happy family!" She cheers giving me huge hopeful eyes to match her brilliant smile. She is genuinely happy.

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