Chapter Eighteen

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"Sirius?" Remus managed to get out, wiping his mouth free of beer. His cheeks grew rosy, due to the warm effect alcohol had on him. His sandy hair was all over the place, his freckles standing out, and his ember-like eyes overlooking the matter of existence which was Sirius Black.

"Did... I really just see the angelic Remus Lupin... get body shots taken off him? Then proceeding to chug beer almost upside down? Who are you, am I being catfished?" Sirius asked, the biggest grin appearing on his stained-pink lips.

Remus quickly raised his head, stumbling a bit drunkenly. "No! I mean, yes? Sort of.. well, I did do it. But I swear I don't normally do this type of thing!" He stated, frustrated in himself. "Wow, what a fantastic first impression! Way to go, Remus!" He told himself. It had only made Sirius chuckle.

"I'd say way to go, you're even sexier in person." Sirius winked. Goodness, he was so fucking nervous. "I'll take any version of Remus Lupin I can, as long as I have him." Sirius smiled, looking around to avoid contact. What? He was nervous! Don't lie and tell me you wouldn't! I mean, if you don't, then kudos to you, but well, that's not the point. Never mind.

"Now, you're just being nice. Where's the real Sirius, the snarky, arrogant piece of shit, Sirius?" Remus grinned.

"Well, love, he's right here. You can take him any time of day you want.." Sirius smirked, gesturing to his own body. "It's all for you, Moonbeam."

"You sure know how to win a guy's heart, Padfoot." Remus snorted, ignoring the fact that he was blushing like crazy. Sirius scoffed, throwing his empty cup away.

"Why did you say it like that?!" Sirius had turned to look at him.

Remus raised an eyebrow, chuckling. "Say what like what? I didn't say anything.. have no idea what you're talking about." He said, taking a drink of his beer.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! This was supposed to be romantic, I was supposed to just kiss you and call you my boyfriend and go from there. I don't need you patronizing me!" Sirius pouted, he waved his new drink around in great dismay.

"Oh, Sirius dear, this isn't me patronizing you. Lighten up, I never said we wouldn't kiss. That we wouldn't be in a relationship, but things like that don't happen instantly after meeting while having spoken on text. I want to kiss you, but I really have no idea what to do after that. I'm awkward." Remus laughed, shrugging it off. He very much liked alcohol. Very much. Like, a lot. It gave him more confidence, while with Sirius, he seemed to just go down hill.

"You're not awkward unless you make yourself awkward." Sirius stated, raising a finger out of both wisdom and great power.

"Sirius, no. That isn't how it works.." Remus chuckled, lowering the other's hand. "Listen, I want to kiss you, b-"

"Don't say it!" Sirius snapped.

"Uh.. say what?" Remus frowned, quite confused.

"The word 'but', it is a word full of disappointment! And you shall not unleash disappointment amongst me, you beautiful peasant." Sirius declared.

"Sirius-", Remus began, huffing and rolling his eyes.

"Nuh-uh!" Sirius shook his head firmly, he leaned against the side of the grand staircase.

"Okay, but just listen to me." Remus stared, crossing his arms after setting his drink down. Things were getting real.

"I'm listening." Sirius stated, raising his nose in the air and tapping his foot impatiently.

Remus combed his fingers through his hair, slightly jittery from the alcohol. "I want to kiss you, but I'm not sure you want to kiss me. Things might be going too quickly."

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