Chapter Twenty-Six

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James would never forget the image seared in his brain. Lily was leaning up against the bottom cupboards of the counter, hands bloodied as she tried to apply pressure on her stomach wound. A glass shard, it hadn't been large, but it definitely caused some great damage.

James quickly looked around for the culprit to such an ugly crime and noticed the patio doors were wide open, but there was no one in sight. If he had just gotten there a few minutes earlier.. if he hadn't even left at all..

"R-Rem.. James, I've got this under control." Lily assured him through gritted teeth. "I'm going to be alright. I was asleep when I heard Remus.." she groaned in pain.

"Love, it's going to be fine. Don't worry about anyone except yourself and getting better. I let the hospital know, they are awaiting you.. I'll drive you there.." James carefully picked her up. "I'll get Remus once you're situated in the car." He had put her in the passenger seat as both gently and quickly as possible, giving her a washcloth for her wound before he sprinted back inside.

Adrenaline was firing in spurts all of James's body, never in his life had he expected to walk in on something so horrid. He found Remus not too far from where Lily was, scrapped and bruised. Severely bruised. It was as if someone took a heavy object and used it just enough to barely break the skin open. The poor bloke had a runny nose and was incoherent, bruised nose and jaw.. black eye and split lip. James was infuriated. To fucking hurt his Lily and his best mate? Someone really wanted to get on his nerves.

James was highly determined, but knew he needed to hurry before he should start asking questions. He didn't give a flying fuck how fast he was going, he couldn't help but swerve near the entrance and ushered the nurses prepared for the two.

Now it was just a waiting game. Didn't help how late it was. Also didn't help with Sirius getting explosive once he spotted James in the waiting room.

"What in the bloody hell happened? All I get is a call telling me Remus is hurt and in the hospital, no details or anything?! James fucking Potter, you can't just do that!" Sirius said, his face turning pink with anger.

"I know, I know Sirius! So stop fucking shouting! You didn't have to see the mess of it! What else was I supposed to say? I'm freaking the fuck out just as much as you are! They're healing, but that doesn't mean any of us are fucking safe.." James leaned forward in his chair, rubbing his temples as his elbows touched his knees.

Sirius plopped down next to the idiot. "Sorry.. I'm just.. worried is all."

James laughed. "You think so, Padfoot?" He responded sarcastically. Sirius smiled a bit.

"Whatever.. it's just, I've never felt this way, mate. Not about anyone. Except for Remus. I can't explain it, I don't know how it's gotten this far after accidentally meeting over texts. It really grew into something I really don't want to lose. I can't bare it.. James. I really can't." He said, his eyes distant and his voice quiet and full of anxiety.

"I know, mate.. I really do. It's how I felt for Lily. You know that feeling has a name, right?" He nudged the raven-haired hottie.

"It does.. wait.." Sirius looked away, hoping to save his dignity as his cheeks began to become tinged with pink.

"Looooooooooooove!" James sang, earning a few looks from uncomfortable and annoyed patients waiting to be seen.

"I wouldn't go that far as to say.. I'm in love with him." Sirius mumbled, slightly flustered. "It hasn't even been that long, love takes time and patience, something I really don't have. Something he may not even want."

"That there is the million dollar question, my friend. Does Remus desire what you desire or him? Does he feel as strongly about you as you do him?" James said in a wise manner.

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