Chapter Nineteen

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  It's about 5am and the party is slowly dying.

  "Hey, we should go before I get drunk." I say to Alice. She agrees and we head home. I have my arm around her, incase I stumble.

  "Hey, guess what's coming up soon." she said.

  "Uh... Am I supposed to know?" I really wasn't sure.

  "Well, no. My birthday is in a few days." she answers.

  "Do I have to get you something?" I teased childishly.

  "No, you don't have to." she smiles.

  "Sweet. Jeff: 1, Alice: 0." That made her laugh. Her birthday is September 30th. She's been tolerating me for a few weeks now. Time is flying.


  We race to the bathroom. She probably wanted to shower but I had to piss. I beat her to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I heard a 'smack' and started laughing. I heard her laugh a few seconds later. When I came out, she walked past me and did her buisiness.

  "We both smell like drugs and alcohol and I don't want you to shower 'cause you've been drinking. I figured we can wait until tomorrow." she says as she dries her hands. I walk over and put my arms around her, burrying her face in my chest. She reached her hands together behind my back. We held each other like this for a while.

  I put my hand on her cheek, leaned down, and kissed her forehead. I stepped back and ruffled her hair.

  "Stay safe, kid." I said. Alice looked a little confused but I went to bed anyways. She fixed her hair and descended down the stairs. I knew she would crawl in when she got tired.

  Realizing I was drifting to sleep, I opened my eyes and thought. I thought back to when we would kill persistently. I couldn't sleep so I snuck down the stairs.

  I saw Alice sitting on the couch watching Adult Swim. I plopped down beside her abruptly. She almost jumped out of her skin. Her skin... it's starting to lighten in tone.

  "Hello, Jeff-the-fucking-creep." she said trying to choke her heart back into her chest.

  "Hey, Alice-is-so-easy-to-scare." I chuckled. She playfully slapped my arm.

  "You're changing, Alice." I said suddenly.

  "How?" she inquired.

  "Your appearance," I pointed out, "Your hair turned purple and you're getting paler."

  "Yeah. Thanks, Einstein. I hadn't noticed," she retorted, "The skin think could be from lack of sunlight."

  "Not this suddenly. What about your hair?"

  "I guess it is pretty weird. Maybe I'm turning into a demon, like Jane." she chuckled. Just the mention of that name makes me sick and furious.

  "Let's.. not talk about her." I said, trying not to sound as angry as I actually was.

  "Oh.. I'm sorry." she apologized.

  "Apologizing is a sign of weakness," I paused, "NCIS REFERANCE!" Alice laughed, and I joined in.

  "Jeff, have I ever told you that that you're fabulous?" she teased.

  "No." I said, playing along. I laid down and rested my head in her lap. She stroked my hair.

  "Well, you're fabulous - and fully clothed!" she exclaimed. An evil grinned formed upon my face.

  "No. Jeff, keep your clothes on! Jeff! Stop undressing! ...well, fuck." The whole while she was yelling, I was slipping off almost every piece of clothing I previously hand on. All that was left, was my socks and boxers.

  "Liar." I cackled. The smirk on my face was uncontrollable. I laughed as her face turned more, and more red. She stood and walked up the stairs. I followed, leaving my dirty clothes on the floor. She went into my room and grabbed a pair of black sweats.

  "At least these." she said, handing them to me. I playfully rolled my eyes and took them. She went back into my closet and grabbed an XL t-shirt. She took it into her room with her. I pulled on the sweatpants. She came back wearing black, mid-thigh gym shorts and my shirt. It was huge on her.

  "It looked really comfortable.. and it is." she looked at me like she was waiting for approval. I smiled.

  We went back downstairs and picked up my clothes. I turned off the TV. Alice put my clothes in a basket while I put my knife under my pillow.

  We laid down and closed our eyes. Alice and I slept in the same comforting position everynight. Us facing the door, my arms wrapped sweetly around her, and one hand interlocked with hers.


Alice and Jeff :|: Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now