Chapter 28

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/// I actually wrote this last night but I wanted to make you guys wait :3 \\\

  "How the hell did Jane get to Smile Dog!? What the fuck!?" I screamed. Everything was spinning and I was furious. The only way to saticfy my anger, was to tear Jane's heart out and eat it raw.

  "Jeff! Calm down!" Alice demanded.

  "No! This bitch thinks she can waltz into Smile's brain and get away with it!? No! Fucking NO!!" I bellowed. Alice seemed sad and frightened.

  "Shit... Alice, I'm sorry. I.." I breathed. I wad punching walls and throwing things, but i collapsex to the floor when I realized what it was putting Alice through.

  I eas sobbing with my hands covering my ugly, pale face.

  Alice sighed. "It's okay. You're angry and upset. You can't help it. I just hate seeing you hurt like this.." Alice cooed. She knelt beside me and wrapped herself arpund me as best she could. Alice leaned on my back, hugging her arms around my sides.

  Her head was on my shoulder so it was easy for her to whisper, "It'll be okay. We'll find her, and rip her apart."

  "We're leaving now." I snapped. Jane wont get away.

  I look around. No Hush.

  "Where's Hush? Go get her." I ordered.

  "Jeff, fighting when you're angry is dangerous. You'll-" Alice began, but was interrupted.

  "I'm better at killing when I'm pissed. Now would be perfect for me." I barked. Alice nodded and went up stairs. We were ready earlier so all Alice had to do was retrieve Hush.

  I explained to them that Jane's asylum was within walking distance, but it would take a while. Alice packed 5 waters and a bag of jerky.

  We did a double-check to make sure we had everything. Alice nodded and swung the bag over her shoulder.


  Since only Smile Dog and I knew where to find Jane, we led the way. This bitch wont get away with killing Le Grinny. She's been far too pesky for far too long.

  I felt something warm being wrapped around my ha- fist. Pulling away, I unclench my fists.

  "It'll be okay, Jeff." Alice whispered.


  With two waters and no jerky left, we made it. Around the asylum, was a stone wall. We neared the rusty, metal gates. There was a lock on them so we climbed over. We tried staying quiet but failed due to the fallen leaves.

My adrenaline was about to break.

  "Hush, stay close to Alice. Alice.. stay safe, kid." I warned. I had never been scared before in my life - not even as a child. I was scared I would lose Alice.. or she would lose me. Don't let anyone die today.

  "Do not fail, Jeff" Slender's voice rang in my ears.

  We were walking around the abandoned hallways, looking for any sign of Jane.

  When we turned a corner, I heard an angelic voice chanting Latin. I stopped and and shushed the girls silently. Hush took a deep breath in and out.

  I peered through the window of the door.

  Hoodie!? What the hell!??

  Hoodie was strapped to a metal table without his hoodie. He was an actual human being. Ben had made him a mask to make it look as if his eyes glowed red. Hoodie was still wearing his mask.

  Jane stopped chanting. She leaned down and pushed Hoodie's mask out of the way to kiss him.


  I knew exactly what this meant. Hoodie was not only Jane's source, but her love, as well. Hoodie was willing to give his life for Jane's sick purposes.

  Jane stood upright. Hoodie nodded and Jane grabbed a large knife. I noticed there was an old-fashioned witch couldren towards the back of the room. It was boiling furiously.

  Jane gripped the blade with one hand and let the blood drip into the couldren. She turned to Hoodie. Jane was crying. She doesn't want to do it..

  Now's our chance.

  I silently pushed open the door and stepped into the frame.

  "Hoodie, you ass." I snarled.

  Jane looked utterly surprised. I moved to the side, just as she chucked her knife at my head, missing by a few inches.

  I pried the knife out of the wall and tossed it to Hush. While doing so, Jane had untied Hoodie and they were both ready to fight.

///Not posting 29 until tomorrow! HA HA! ILY, My Lovelies\\\

Alice and Jeff :|: Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now