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LOLA Liezel was in stable condition before James and Nadine left her under the care of Mr. Angelo because she requested them to go home. The doctor said it was heart attack, and she had to be monitored overnight for another attack before they transferred her to private hospital for further treatment on Mr. Angelo's request.

Nadine just quietly looked outside the window since they got inside the car while James also was not in mood to pick a fight with her. It probably was the best because they surely would fight if they started talking to each other. The space was filled with the songs and voices of radio DJs until Nadine broke the silence.

"Drop me at the church," James glanced at her and rolled his eyes at her ridiculousness. It was almost midnight, and probably nobody was there around this hour. It was not like he was worried about Nadine's safety, but he just did not want Lola Liezel to have another episode of heart attack if something bad happened to Nadine later.

"We are going straight to home. I don't have time to wait you until you finish praying,"

"Did I ever ask you to wait for me? I said just drop me at church. I can go home alone later," she replied back with annoyance in her voice. James did not say anything but he pressed hard the speed pedal until her body jerked backward at the sudden increase of speed.

Around ten minutes later, the car stopped abruptly at the entrance gate. Nadine glared at James because she had almost thrown forward and hit the dashboard, but he only looked straight on road without feeling sorry at all. She unbuckled the seatbelt and intentionally slammed shut the car door as the revenge.

James drove the car straight away although he wanted to yell at her for slamming the door. He would not take any responsibilities if she got into accident or anything, but then Lola Liezel had trusted him to bring Nadine home safely. God, that woman was really trying to get to his nerves.

"Damn it!" he cursed as he made U-turn and drove to church back. He promised that he would drag her home if she plans to stay more than half an hour. Nadine probably was not alone since he noticed several cars were parked outside the church and a couple just headed inside it. He even saw two guards was patrolling around this area.

James walked inside the dim church as his eyes searched for Nadine. He then spotted her on the second row of pews from the front. James took a seat near the aisle on the first row of next line of pews and then did nothing but quietly observed Nadine who was so into her praying.

Her brows furrowed, and she looked like she was praying for something that she was desperate to have. Few seconds later, James wore the same expression when he saw tears streamed down on her cheeks. That sight was disturbing because James was intrigued with the things inside her mind.

Nadine surprised when she opened her eyes and saw James was inside here. He just quietly stared at her with face like he was trying hard to read her mind right now. Why did he come back? She did not need his company anyway. Nadine moved to sit on the pew and brushed away the tears on cheeks.

"What are those tears for? For Lola? Tsskk, stop acting like Lola is in critical condition right now," he accused her for being such a drama queen. Nadine was pissed off because James acted like it was not his fault that Lola Liezel was in hospital right now. She grabbed her purse and was ready to leave, but then she thought she had to remind James about something.

"You claimed that He never granted you any wishes, but this time I think you should thank Him. Just be grateful that He doesn't take Lola's life on the same day He took my mother away from me," it was a reminder for James that God still had mercy on him. He saved Lola Liezel today so he would not have any regrets in future that she had died because of his foolishness.

HATE THAT I LOVE YOUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon