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MR. ANGELO clenched his fist as he watched the nurses transferred Nadine's bed to single room. Even though the doctor informed them that there was no serious injury occurred, Mr. Angelo would not stay quiet about this matter. He would make sure the guy that had sexually assaulted his daughter received the punishment lawfully.

"Who's that guy?" Bret clicked his tongue as he had expected that question from Mr. Angelo. However Bret still got nervous to answer him because Mr. Angelo's murderous aura was too strong right now. Thank God Lola Liezel was there to calm Mr. Angelo. Seriously Bret almost wet his pant when he saw Mr. Angelo's furious face when he arrived here.

"He is one of my friends, Quinito Villarosa," his voice slightly trembled as he answered truthfully. Yes Quinito was his close friend, but it did not mean that he would take this matter lightly. Honestly Bret was disappointed with Quinito. After what Quinito had done to Nadine, Bret knew that their friendship would never be same again.

"Bring me to him now," said Mr. Angelo as he turned around to face Bret and Lola Liezel now. Bret inhaled deeply and nodded his head afterwards. Although he was close with Villarosa, he should not stop Mr. Angelo from seeking the justice for his daughter.

"Can't it wait Angelo?" asked Lola Liezel while stroking Mr. Angelo's shoulder. She did not think it was the best idea to confront Quinito tonight. Well at lease he should calm down first because she did not know what Mr. Angelo would do to Quinito after seeing his face.

"No! I must face him tonight," he stated firmly. Lola Liezel sighed at his stubbornness.

"Mom, please look after Nadz. I won't go for too long. Let's go Bret," he then walked ahead with serious face.

"Bret, wait! I hope you can stop him if he tries to do something crazy," Lola Liezel held Bret for few seconds to remind him about that. Bret understood about her worry because he also was out of his mind after knowing that Quinito tried to rape Nadine. Luckily their friends were there to stop him from punching Quinito to death.

While Mr. Angelo and Bret left the hospital to go to Quinito's house, James was smoking his electronic cigarette outside the hospital building. After sending Nadine to the emergency unit, he did not leave straight away. He waited there with AJ and Andre until Bret arrived followed by his family few minutes later.

His two friends told him that he made the right decision to help Nadine, and they were proud of him without knowing the truth behind this incident. Actually James kept the eye on Quinito whole time after Nadine left him alone on the dance floor. He even saw Quinito headed to ladies restroom, but he did not stop Quinito when he barged inside.

Remembering that Nadine was sarcastic and mean to him earlier, James wanted to give Nadine the lesson for that. So he just let Quinito did it on his behalf. Smirk plastered on his face as he stood outside the restroom and listened to her screaming. However he was not pleased anymore the moment he heard the loud slap inside there.

He actually did not expect Quinito to be too harsh on Nadine. When James heard the slapping sound for second time and followed by the silence from Nadine, he knew that he must stop that mad guy from doing whatever he intended to do to Nadine. He had never been thankful to his gifted strength until today because he only took several strong kicks to break the door lock.

The next thing that happened actually was quite bothering James. He could have just stop Quinito without beating him, but everything went wrong when he laid his eyes on Nadine. She was lying weakly on the floor with bleeding nose and mouth while that guy tried to undress her.

Honestly he had no idea what had gotten inside him, but he instinctively attacked Quinito. After he punched Quinito until he was lying weakly beneath him, he quickly covered Nadine using his jacket. He could have left Nadine with Bret afterwards, but he took the job to bring her to hospital.

HATE THAT I LOVE YOUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon