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EVEN THOUGH Nadine cried the tears of blood right now, it would not bring back what she had lost inside her. If eight years ago she was managed to save herself from becoming the rape victim of James, last night had witnessed how she had lost her virginity to him. Nadine closed her eyes tightly as she wished the horrible memories last night disappeared from her mind.

She had been staying in the bath for two hours now, and she did not even care how horrible she looked right now with puffy eyes and wrinkled fingers and toes. There were faint scratch marks at certain parts of her body; the effect of scrubbing her skin too hard because she was feeling disgust with herself.

Nadine flinched when she tried to move her legs and honestly to say, her whole body was sore especially the area between her thighs. Warm tears streamed down on her face as the memories of last night flashed inside her head. No matter how many times she had begged James to stop, he just ignored her pleas and continued fucking her while enjoying eliciting the pain on her body.

"Nadine, what are you fucking doing inside there? Come out now. Lola and Dad are waiting us for breakfast!" Nadine startled when she heard James' loud voice from the outside. When she did not reply him, he started pounding on the door, but Nadine still did not move an inch from her place.

"Fine! You can go and starve yourself inside there. I don't give a fucking damn care about you," James cursed before he left Nadine alone inside their honeymoon suite. Meanwhile inside the bathroom, Nadine was trying to hold back her tears when James' harsh words penetrated her eardrums, but somehow she had failed to control her emotion and burst into tears again.

"I hate you!" she hated James more than anything in her life. Nadine wanted to stay inside the bathtub forever if it was possible but because her body started to shiver in cold, she had to dismiss that idea. Nadine reached the towel to dry her body and put on the bathrobe afterward. Before she left the bathroom, she stopped in front of mirror to check her face.

"I look horrible," her voice had turned hoarse from crying too much. Her puffy eyes needed an extra attention when Nadine did her make up later, and she hoped it would work. Nadine then left the bathroom but her steps halted when she noticed James was still inside the room. She thought he had left for breakfast but because she did not feel like talking or looking at his face, she went straight to vanity table and do her makeup.

While doing her makeup, Nadine could feel that tears pricked her eyes because at that moment she was feeling so angry and having so much hatred for James now. He had crossed the line between them, but Nadine realized that he would never apologize either. She should never expect anything from him. Nadine blinked back the tears and continued doing her makeup with the little strength that still left inside her.

Meanwhile James who was relaxing on the bed secretly stole the glance at Nadine. He knew that she was mad at him, but he did not care on how she feels or thinks about him as long as he managed to accomplish his mission. Last night he was managed to stop Nadine from seeing Bret. At the same time he discovered the big revelation about Nadine. He had hit big jackpot last night because it was his first time to have sex with a virgin.

He always believed that Nadine was actually a wild girl based on the rumours he had heard that Nadine liked to sleep around, and last night had proved those rumours were not true. He could have treated her better and would not be too harsh on her last night if he had known the truth. However James told himself not to feel sorry because what happened last night, Nadine deserved it!


THEY went straight to airport after having breakfast with their family, Enrique and his girlfriend, Liza. Nadine was relieved that they did not notice her puffy eyes because she had covered them with makeup, but she was worried that she might obviously look uncomfortable when James once again took granted on her in front of their family members.

HATE THAT I LOVE YOUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon