Chapter 7

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"GRACE!!" Laura screamed. I woke up startled. I jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen. "What? What?" I panted. "The...Eminem... Tickets...Are....Gone, Laura said. "What?! That fucker must have them. God damnit!!" I screamed, I ran out the kitchen and ran to my room. I grabbed my phone and called Marshall.


"Hey Marshall'

'Hey, what's up?'

'We can't come to the concert, someone--'

'Why can't you come?'

 Marshall had sadness in his voice when I said that.

'Some fucker broke in last night, I knocked him out but he must've got the tickets before I knocked him out'

'Well don't worry about the concert, I'll pick you and Laura up and you'll get in with me and you'll get all the luxuries'

'Oh yeah, like what?'

'Oh, you'll see'

After Marshall said that he hung up. A minute later I got a text,

'I'll pick you guys up at five'

'Okay :P'

I walked into the kitchen to see Laura on the floor sobbing quietly. "Oh, Laura", "Now we can't go" she sobbed. I gave her a hug, "Don't worry Marshall's taking us", "Really?" Laura perked up when I said that. "Yeah he's picking us up at five and it's already twelve so in about five hours."Well, we better start getting ready" Laura said with happiness in her voice "Yeah, I guess we should" I said agreeing.

Laura rushed into the bathroom. I heard the door slam and the shower being turned on. I grinned and rolled my eyes. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a soda, then I went and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels until I saw,

Interviewer: "Breaking news, Marshall Mathers A.K.A Eminem has been spotted with a new girl, supposedly his new girlfriend. They were spotted at the bar 'Detroit Drinks', here are some pictures".

 A bunch of pictures of me and Marshall appeared on the screen, there some of us eating, some of us laughing and a couple of us kissing. I blushed.

Now lets see what Mr. Mathers says on the subject".

 It changes Interviewers and places, I realize it's outside Marshall's house, more like mansion.

Other Interviewer: "Mr. Mathers, is that girl your new girlfriend?"

Marshall:"Fuck off! Leave me and her alone".

Other Interviewer: "Mr. Mather--

Almost on cue I heard knocking on my door, I opened the door. All of a sudden, photos were being taken of me, making me temporally blind. I was being asked questions like "Are you and Eminem a thing?", "Have you and Eminem had sex?", "How did you meet?".

I shouted  out "Fuck off! Leave me the fuck alone!! How the fuck did you get this address?! Get your asses off this propety!". I slammed the door in their faces.

I left the door, I could hear them knocking on their door and asking questions through the door. I went back to the door, opened it and pointed my middle finger at them.

I smirked and sat back down on the couch, I took a big slurp of my soda.

After about ten minutes the press left and five minutes Laura emerged from the bathroom.

She had her outfit for the Eminem concert. She wore her top cut above her belly button, it was coloured grey, it had a picture of Marshall pulling both of the fingers and a pair of white ripped skinny jeans.

"What was all that noise?" Laura asked. I sighed "The damn press, they think me and Marshall are going out". "Well, aren't you?", "I dont know Lulu". "Aww, come here" Laura said, while pulling me in for a hug. I laughed and hugged her back. "I guess, I better have a shower" I looked at the small clock on the lounge wall, it was already 1 o'clock.

I went to my room and got out my outfit. I chose my top, it was the same one as Laura's but instead of being grey it was black. I also choose out a pair of black skinny jeans, they were ripped  from my thighs to just past my knees and had little black bows on the sides. I chucked my nicest pair of underwear and bra on the bed. It was a lacy black strapless bra with white frills on the edges and a matching pair of panties.

I walked to the bathroom and washed my body. I went to my bedroom to get changed. I slipped on my sexy underwear, I looked in the full length mirror, I don't mean to brag but D-A-M-N, I looked sexy. I slipped on my jeans and my half cut top. I put in my bell button ring. I had to say I looked hot.

I grabbed the blow drier and dried my hair. It takes me over half an hour so I played music while drying my hair. Once I was satisfied with how dry my hair was, I straightened it, so when I was finished it fell right above my butt. I gave my hair a quick brush and walked back to the lounge. I took a sip of my soda. I checked the time it was 2:34PM.

What to do for the next two and a half hours, I wondered.

An idea popped in my head, I went back to my room and found what I was looking for, my make-up bag. I pulled out a eyeliner pencil, liquid eyeliner and mascara. I put eyeliner and my mascara on, then I carefully put on my liquid eyeliner making cat eyes. I put on some lip gloss and popped my lips.

**Marshall's POV**

"Daddy!". "Yeah Hai Hai", "You're on TV!"."What for this time?". "Come and see" Hailie called out from the lounge. I sighed and walked to the lounge. What I saw surprised me. There was Grace pulling the fingers and smirking at the press. "Dad, they're saying she's your girlfriend, is it true?" "I don't know Hailie baby". I sat down next to Hailie, "How would you feel if I was dating her?", "I don't know, I haven't met her". "Would you like to?", "Sure". "I'll get her to come tomorrow to come and meet my babys". "Daddy" Hailie said, "Larnie! Whit!"

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