**Marshall's POV**
I slammed the door and ran down the driveway. I had to catch up to her. I had to catch up to Laura. I finally caught up to her. I grabbed her, turned her around and gave her a kiss. She pushed me off her, "Get off me!", "Laura, baby", "No Marshall, you don't want me, you want her!". "No! I don't!".
"What?", I heard a voice behind me, I whipped my head around, there stood Grace tears down her face, "Grace!", "Fuck off Marshall! Cancel the date, in fact cancel every fucking thing! We're over!", she screamed, "Where will you go?", Laura asked, "Don't play nice bitch!", Grace screamed and ran back up the driveway.
I let go of Laura and ran after Grace, Laura ran next to me. I tried the door, it was locked, I started to bang on the door. "Let me in!", I shouted. A minute later the door opened, Grace slipped past me. I tried to grab her but I grabbed air, "Grace, come here", I said, running after her, "Fuck off Marshall! I should've known you would of cheated!".
I managed to grab her. I picked her up, "Marshall let me go!", "No", she started to thrash in my arms. Grace somehow got free and ran again, "Grace", I said, panting a bit, "Go away!", "No!", "Go back to Laura".
Grace got to the gate, it opened, "Don't open it!", I shouted. Too late, it had opened enough for Grace to slip out. She was running down the footpath. The gate closed, I ran back to my house.
I went into the garage and grabbed my keys. I jumped in my car, I started the car and drove down the driveway. The gates opened and I speed out the driveway and down the street.
I finally caught up to Grace, she was walking fast. "Fuck off Marshall! Leave me the fuck alone!", "Grace I--", "No Marshall the fact is that you cheated! Again!". "I know, it's just that--". "No, just leave me alone!", Grace started choking and more tears started to stream down her face.
She quickly turned on her heel and ran down the street, it was fairly easy as I was driving a car on a non-busy road and Grace was running. I caught up to her again, Grace just ran faster.
Grace ran around a corner and I turned the corner. I looked around for Grace, I couldn't see her. I got out my car and locked the car door. Grace was out of my sight. I looked every where, there wasn't any where she could be. I sighed and walked back to my car. I unlocked it and sat there. How could I do this? Again! I'm such a fucking asshole! Why do I always treat the good ones crap? I wrapped my arms on the steering wheel and rested my head on my arms. I sighed again.
I'm such'a fucking retard!
**Grace's POV**
I finally got away from Marshall.
Luckily for me, I had a friend near by and I ran to her house. I sat on her couch, sobbing quietly while she made hot drinks.
"So why you finally come around?", my friend Amy asked, "Sorry. I was kinda running away from someone". "It's fine, but are you going to be staying here?", "Nah, I'll find somewhere", "Okay", Amy said, handing me a coffee. I took a sip of my coffee, "I'll go in a minute", "You can stay if you want. If you ever need anything come to me", "Okay, I might need somewhere to stay soon". "Come anytime, I'm work at home, so I'm pretty much always here", "Okay", I finished off my coffee, "Well, thanks, I'll see you later", "Kay, see you later".
I got my bags and walked out the door. I walked to a hotel, it wasn't expensive but it wasn't to bad.
"I'd like to book a room", "Sure miss, I'll get your key". I leaned on the desk, she passed me a key, it looked like a big credit card. "Your room is room twenty-six, level two", "Thanks".
I went into the elevator and went to level two. I walked out of the elevator and unlocked my room. It looked alright, there was a double bed, a 42 inch flat screen TV, a couch, two doors probably leading to a bathroom and a kitchen and there was a leather couch. Next to the bed was bedside tables on each side of the bed, the bed had fluffy, grey pillows and a light grey duvet.
I dumped my bags on the couch and layed on the double bed. I grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV, I flicked through channels. There was a interview with Marshall, I turned off the TV and sighed.
I started to think. Where would I live? I can't live here, I'll run out of money. I guess I'll have to get a job. What kind of jobs are there? Probably ones I don't like, but I guess I gotta get over it, I need money. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh.
What's wrong with me? Why do people always hurt me. My boyfriend and my best friend. I started to break down in tears. I actually ended up crying my self to sleep.
I woke up. my face was wet. I threw my feet over my bed and stood up. I walked to the bathroom, I leaned over the sink and splashed water on my face. I dried my face and walked back into my room.
I have to find a job, there was a newspaper, I flipped to the job page. There was only a few jobs, but they were all same. All the jobs, were stripper jobs. I sighed, realizing it was either being a stripper or being homeless.
I guess I'm going to be a stripper.