When I woke up, I had a bit of a headache and I felt groggy . I pulled off my duvet and sat up, I moaned, my head hurting a bit more. Once it went away, I checked the time, it was 8:32 A.M.
I stood up and went into the bathroom, I looked in the mirror, I needed a shower. Sighing, I turned on the shower and stripped off my underwear. Once the shower was steamed up, I stepped inside. Letting a breath out, I let the warm water trickle down my skin.
I started to think about Marshall, tears swelled up in eyes and I broke out in tears. I collapsed on the shower floor, crying and now my ribs were sore. The warm water helped me calm down a bit, and reduced my tears to quiet sobs. Once I stopped sobbing, I washed my face, hair and body. I turned off the shower and stepped onto the cold, tile floor of the bathroom. I dried my hair, wrapped a towel around my body, and picked my underwear and bra.
I walked into the bedroom, I threw my underwear and bra on one of my bags and pulled out some clothes. I slipped on a bra and panties, a pair of ripped shorts, a black, tank top and a grey hoodie.
What's in the kitchen?, I thought, walking out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. There was a small fridge, a table, two leather chairs, cupboards and a breakfast bar. I checked the fridge, there was a small carton of milk, a couple bottles of water and a bottle of coke.
On the breakfast bar, there was another newspaper and a thin layer of dust. Yuk, I thought, I checked the cupboards. Nothing was in them apart from glasses and plates, so I closed them, picked up the newspaper and sat on one of the leather chairs. I flicked through it, one of the pages was a picture of me. It was headlined, Eminem's new girlfriend', ripped out the page, screwed it into a ball and threw it into the corner of the room.
I continued to look in the newspaper, I found the job page. The only jobs where strippers too, I sighed. I looked at one of the jobs and found the address. I put the paper on the table and walked back into my room. I got out the new shoes that Whitney gave me, I pulled on a pair of socks and the shoes. Just as I got up, there was a knock at the door. I raised an eyebrow and answered the door.
It was Marshall. As I was about to close the door, he put his foot between the door and the door frame. He pushed open the door and let himself in. "What do you want now?", I asked, crossing my arms. "I had to see you", "Uh huh, what are you really here for?", "I just told you".
"Whatever, I have to go", Marshall grabbed my arm, "No, you don't", "Yeah, I do". I tried to pull my arm back, but Marshall's grip got tighter. He looked me in the eyes, they were turning cold.
"Marshall... Let go", "No". "Marshall I have to go!", "You're not going anywhere! You're mine!", "No! I'm not!". Marshall picked me up and threw me onto my bed. "Oww", I whimpered in pain, my ribs were fueling more pain. Marshall laid on me, pinning me to the bed.
I tried pushing him off, his weight was making my ribs hurt even more. Tears swelled up in my eyes, Marshall must've of saw this, because he took off some off his weight. I let a breath of relief and rubbed my ribs. Marshall pulled up my hoodle and top, revealing a massive bruise, "I'm sorry", Marshall said, letting me sit up. I sat up, the pain slowly eased away.
"I'm sorry", Marshall said over and over again. He placed something on my bedside table and left.
I reached over and picked up what Marshall left. It was another envelope, there was four letters, some money and a key. There was a letter from everyone, Marshall, Laney, Hailie and Whitney. I read the one from Whitney, then Hailie, then Laney and finally Marshall. I examined the key, a small note was attached,
A key to our house, if you ever want to come over use the key.
I put the letters and the key back in envelope. I got off the bed and walked to my bags, I found the one where I stashed money and my drugs. I put the envelope with my stash and covered up with clothes. I re-readied myself and walked into the elevator.
Once I was in the lobby, I walked outside and to the address of the strip club. In about fifteen minutes I was there. There was a bouncer outside the door, leaning on the outside wall. I walked up to him, "I'm here for a job", "Go inside. The boss should be inside", "Okay, thanks". The bouncer let me inside.
There was a man by the stage, "Umm..", I said, "Hmm", the boss turned around. "Are you here for the job?", "Yes", the guy looked like Trent. "Do you know a guy named Trent. He's in the hospital", "No, I don't know Trent", "Oh okay, you look a bit like him". "Anyways.. Job", "Yeah, what do I have to do?". "Have you been trained", "For like a couple hours, after my first day of training my boss, Trent was shot", "Okay, so you need more training", "I guess". "Doesn't matter, you're in, come here at twelve tomorrow morning", "Okay", "See you tomorrow", "Yeah, see you tomorrow". I walked out of the club and to a shop.
I had found a couple dollars in my pocket. I brought a couple of lollies and a drink. On the way back to the hotel, I ate my lollies and drank half of my drink.
I was now in my room, rolling a smoke. I opened a window. Leaning out the window, I blew out the smoke. I felt the effect come over me, I felt mellower. I laid on my bed, staring at the roof. All my problems seemed to float away. "I'm hungry", I said, thinking outloud.