Chapter 14

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I swang on the swing and looked down at my shoes. I saw tears swell in my eyes and they dropped on my shoe. I wiped my eyes and sighed, I can't believe my heart just got broken. I looked up at the sky, it was getting really dark. I let out a loud sigh, I got off the swing and walked out of the park. I walked to Laura's house. 

When I got to her house, I knocked on the door, "Who is it?" Laura called out. "It's me" I said, a bit to quietly. I heard footsteps come to the door, the door opened. "Hi" I said while looking down. "Hey, come in" Laura said opening the door wider for me to come in, I walked inside and went to the kitchen and pulled a 750ml can of Redbull out of the fridge. I went to my room, as I lay on my bed. Things went through my mind. Thoughts about Whitney, Why Marshall slept with another women and my dad.

Seeing my dad at the mall was one of the biggest shocks I've ever had. I broke down in tears, I dove my face in my blankets, I just layed there... Sobbing.

I wiped my face and took a gulp from my Redbull.

I got up off my bed, I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, I need to wash my face it was wet and sticky from all the tears and because I smelt bad. I stayed in the shower for a long time. Once I got the courage to get to get out the shower, I turned off the water and got out the shower. I dried my body and my hair. I wrapped my towel around my thin body and walked out the bathroom and back into my room. 

I went to my drawers and pulled out some under and a dress. I wasn't going to sit around crying, I was going to go to a pub. But not 'Detroit Drinks', that was where I face-to-face met Marshall, the only problem was that the other ones were a bit far, but what can you do? I put on my panties and slipped on my dress, it was a black, strapless dress that ended a bit down from my upper thighs. I brushed my hair, it was messy and puffed up. My eyes were slightly red, I walked to my shoe boxes and grabbed a pair of sneakers, they were leather, black converses. I sat on the floor and put them on, once they were on I stood up and grabbed a leather jacket. I walked back to my bed. "Where's my phone?" I asked no one in particular. Oh shit! I had left it at Marshall's house, well, mansion. I sighed and walked out my bedroom and into the lounge.

"Bye Laura, I'm going out", "Did Marshall break up with you?", "What?". "Marshall just posted a tweet apologizing to you". "His apology dosen't mean shit! He went and slept with some chick!" I shouted and stormed out the house. I made my way to some bar.

I sat down at the bar.

"I'll have your strongest drink" I said to the to the bartender. "Are you sure ma'am", "Yes, otherwise I wouldn't of asked for it" I said getting slightly annoyed. The bartender made their strongest drink and put it on the bench. I took a big sip. And another. And another. Until it was gone, " Hit me again", I said to the bartender. He served me another one.

I felt a cold breeze come in, it put goosebumps on my skin. I shivered a took a gulp of the unknown drink, after the third one I was feeling sick.

I hurried to the bathroom, and went into a stall, I was on my knees puking in the toilet.

When I was feeling better, I made my way back to the bar, "I want a shot" I said to the bartender, "What kind of shot?" the bartender asked. 'Surprise me" I said. He pulled out a shot glass and poured the glass. I gulped it, "Another", I gulped that one down and another one and another one. A figure came and sat next to me, "Hey babe" the unknown person said, "Hey hottie" I said flirting. "How 'bout we get a hotel room?" he said, tracing circles on my thighs. "I think I'd like that" I said. The unknown man took my hand and led me outside the bar.  

He led me to his car. I sat on the passenger side, the leather seats were cold. The man took me to a hotel, it looked really fancy, well from what I could see, my vision was blurred. He opened my door for me and took my hand. He led me inside, 'Hello, Mr. Matherrss" the hotel clerk said, to me it sounded slurred. "I want a room" the guy said, "Sure, just a minute" the hotel clerk said, going through a drawer and pulling out a hotel key, the ones that look like credit cards.

The guy grabbed the key and took me in a elevator.

Once we got off the elevator, he led me into our hotel room. The minute we stepped in and closed the door, the guy started to kiss me.

I pulled off my jacket and his shirt. He had abs and he was toned. He was sexy as fuck. He roughly bit down on my bottom lip. I pushed him onto the bed and took off my dress, leaving me nearly nude with only my panties on. I blushed, he got off the bed and grabbed me by my hips. He pulled me onto the bed with him. I was underneath him, I flipped us over so I was on top. I kissed him, it turned into a makeout frenzy only stopping to breathe. While we were kissing, I grinded on him, I felt a bump touch my ass. I knew it was his erection, it made me grind harder  on him. We stopped making out, he moaned. He pulled me off and placed me on my back on the bed. He got off the bed and pulled down his baggy jeans and boxers. I bit my lip as I saw his erection. He jumped back on the bed, he pulled me closer to him and sucked on my right nipple. I felt myself getting wet down there.While he was sucking my nipple, he pulled down my panties and inserted a finger in my wetness. I moaned and he inserted another finger. "Ohh" I moaned. He quickly pumped his fingers in and out off me. It felt so good. I pulled him off me, "What are you doing babe?", I slid off the bed and in between his legs. I wrapped my mouth around his erection, he moaned. "Okay babe, cut the foreplay" he said, picking me off the floor and putting me back on the bed. He spread my legs apart, I felt his tip enter me.I moaned, he pushed more inside of me, once he had his full length in he pumped in and out of me. He grunted and I moaned. Once we were done I fell asleep, tired from what we had just done.

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