Marshall and me were now at home. Marshall took me to McDonald's for lunch, before we went back to his mansion. It was now twelve o'clock.
When we walked in the door, Whit ran down the stairs and jumped onto Marshall. Marshall fell back from the impact, "Hey baby", "Hey daddy", Whit said, smiling at Marshall. Whitney got off Marshall and gave me a hug. "Dad", "Yes". "Me, Hai and Laney have planned something for you and Grace", "Whit, what is it?".
"Hold on!", Hailie shouted from upstairs. Hailie and Laney burst downstairs and to me, Marshall and Whit. "Here", Hailie said, panting. She handed Marshall a envelope , Marshall opened it with a curious expression on his face. Marshall took out the voucher, it was for a hotel and a restaurant.
"Guys, what did you do?", "Nothing. We just thought you guys needed some time alone, like, to get to know each other better". "Well, thanks you guys", I said, pulling the girls in for a hug. "Your welcome!", Whitney said. "When do we go, Marshall?", I said, breaking the hug. "Tonight". "Yep. Uncle Nate's gonna come over, he said it's all goods", Laney said. "Okay", Marshall said nervously, "Marshall, they'll be fine", "I know". "Thanks babies", Marshall pulled us all in for a hug.
"Dad", "Yeah?", "I'm hungry", Whit said. I laughed.
After Marshall made lunch, we were all in the lounge. Me and Marshall sat on the love seat, and the girls sat on the couch. "I'm going to be on your dads album", I announced, "Really?", Whit asked. "Yep", Marshall said. "Congrats", Laney said. "Yeah, congrats", Hailie said. "Thanks guys".
A knock at the door, interrupted us. "I'll get it", Marshall said, jolting off the love seat and to the door.
**Marshall's POV**
I opened the door, "Mr. Mathers", "Yes". "These are for you", my guard said, handing me a big envelope. I took it, it was kinda heavy. The guard walked off, I went back inside and closed the door. I walked back into the lounge.
"Who was it?", Whitney asked, "One of the guards, they gave me this", I said, dumping the envelope on the coffee table. "What is it?", Grace asked, "Don't know". "Well, open it!", "Hold on". I opened the envelope, I pulled out a stack of papers and scanned a couple sentences. It was from the court. It was papers for Kim to get full custody of the girls and there was a piece of paper for us to go into court.
"Marshall. For the second time, what is it?", "It's papers, for Kim to get full custody". "Don't let mom take us!", Whitney said, getting off the couch and clinging on me. "I won't baby girl", I said, stroking her back. A silence fell over the room, making it slightly awkward.
I shoved the papers back in the envelope. Whit sat back on the couch, next to Hai-Hai. Fuck no, is Kim getting the girls. Well, really on Hailie and Whitney, since Laney is like, twenty. I sat back down next to Grace, she held me hand, tightly. I gave her a small smile, Grace smiled back. I looked over at my babies, they looked unhappy from the news.
"Sup", the door burst open and Nate walked into the lounge. "Sup", I said. "Did someone die?", Nate asked, laughing a bit. "Nope. Kim's trying to get full custody", "Damn, man", Nate said. He sat on the floor, leaning on the side of the couch.
"When you guys leaving?", Nate asked. "Girl", I said, "At five you have to be there", Hai-Hai said. "I'm really early then", Nate said. "Do you want me to take the girls out?", "Yeah". "Girls, go get ready to go with uncle Nate", "Okay". They all got off the couch and walked upstairs. "So how you been bro?", Nate asked, "Fine, apart from those", I said, pointing at the envelope. "True".
**Grace's POV**
I sat next to Marshall, while him and Nate talked. I kinda zoned out, "Right babe?", "Huh?", I asked, snapping out my thoughts. "You're gonna be on my album", "Uh huh". "You can rap?", Nate asked, surprised. "Apparently so", "Yes, she can", Marshall quickly said. "Cool", Nate said, nodding.
"We're ready!", Hailie yelled from upstairs. I think it's cute how Marshall calls her Hai or Hai-Hai. Only nickname I had was bitch. Hailie, Whit and Laney appeared in the living room. "Ready?", Nate asked, "Yep", all three girls said at once. "Lets go then!", Nate said, leading the doors out the house. "Bye dad. Bye mom", Whit said, waving. Her face dropped once she realized what she said, she hurried out the door.
"Aw, Whit called you mom", Marshall said, pulling me into a hug. I was a shocked, I didn't mind, it's just .. I don't know. I hugged Marshall back, I placed my head on his shoulder. "Just think, we'll be in a hotel soon", "Uh huh". "You 'ight babe?", "Yeah, Whit... It just surprised me, that she called me mom", "Do you mind?". "No", I said, looking up at Marshall. "Babe, it's a compliment", "I know. Let's just think about us". "Okay".
Am I really like a mom to Whit?
-Hi guys, sorry this chapter is short.