Me and Marshall were now snuggled on the couch, watching a movie. My head was resting on Marshall's chest and his head was resting on mine. I was eating a bag of lollies, I still had a few bags from the movies.
The door burst open, I jumped a bit, "Hi". Whitney dumped her bag on the floor and ran to us. She jumped on us, giving me and Marshall a big hug. "Hi Whit, how was school?", "Good", Whit stopped hugging us and stole some of my lollies, she popped them into her mouth.
"Whit... Stop... Running... Everywhere", Hailie said, walking into the house, panting. "Hi.. Dad...Hi Grace", "Hey", I said, I popped some lollies into my mouth. Hailie dumped her bag on the lounge floor, she sat on the floor. "What'cha watching?",Hailie asked, pulling off her shoes. "One of your dad's movies", "Shh", Marshall said, I shrugged looking at Hailie. She shrugged back, "Where's Laney", I asked, "Community college", "Oh", I said.
"Dad, I'm hungry", "Food in the cupboard", "Fine". Whitney got up and went into the kitchen. I got out from Marshall's hug and went into the kitchen. "So, what happened to that girl and her brother", "They got suspened from school and dad told them off". I made a face at Whitney, she laughed. "What we got to eat?", "Not sure. Wanna drink?", "Sure". Whitney went to the fridge and pulled out two bottles of juice. She chucked one to me, I opened it while Whit was digging through the cupboard.
Whit pulled out a bag of Doritos. I licked my lips, Whit saw this and jolted. She ran up the stairs, I ran after her, "Doritos!!", I shouted chasing after her. Whit ran into her room and shut the door. I opened it, Whit was on her bed eating a couple chips. I jumped on Whit's bed and stole a couple chips. "Yum", I said, grabbing another handful and shoving it into my mouth. "You really like Doritos", I nodded my head and grabbed some more chips.
After five minutes, all the chips were gone. I licked the flavour of my fingers, "Wanna go somewhere?", I asked, "Sure", Whitney said. "Where are we gonna go?", Whitney asked, "How 'bout we go to a park?", "Yep, I'll get changed", "Okay. I'll get out". I got off Whit's bed, walked out her room and back downstairs, into the lounge.
Hailie and Marshall were both watching the movie. Their eyes glued on the screen, I went and sat next to Marshall. I put my head on his shoulder and he rested his hand on my upper thigh. A shiver went down my back, Marshall's hand was kinda cold. Marshall started to trace shapes and swiggles on my thigh.
"Grace, ready to go?", "Yep". "See you Marshall", I gave him a kiss. "Bye dad. Bye Hailie", "Bye Whit", Marshall and Hailie said. Whit took my hand and led me outside. It took us about ten minutes to get to the park. Once we entered the park, Whitney raced to a swing. I walked to the swings and sat on a swing next to Whit.
We ended up talking until it started to get dark. "Guess we better go back home, huh?", "Yeah". We got off the swings and walked home. I held her hand, as we walked around a corner, a blinding flash appered. I closed my eyes, more flashes blinded me. "Fucking hell! Stop!", "Yesh". The flashing stopped and I could see after a couple seconds. The person taking photos huffed and walked off. "Sorry Whit", "It's fine, let's just get home", "Okay".
Bursting inside, I felt the warmth hit my face. "You guys were gone ages", Hailie said, as we walked into the lounge. "I know, where's your dad?", "Outside, we're having a barbecue", "Yum", Whit said. "Uncle Nate's coming", "Yay!". "I'm gonna go and find your dad", "Okay".
I walked out the lounge, through a glass, sliding door which led onto a outside deck. I could smell beef paddies and sausages, I followed the smell.
A couple minutes, I had found Marshall. I snuck up behind him and hugged him from behind. Marshall jumped, he turned his head, "Oh, it's just you. Don't do that!", "Why?", I asked, pouting a bit. "Cause it's fuckin' creepy", "Oh, did I scare you?". "Yes". Marshall gave me a kiss.
"Can I help?", "Sure". Marshall handed me a spatula. I took it and stood next to Marshall. He wrapped a arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. We flipped the beef paddies and turned the sausages.
"Aiyo". We turned our heads, there was a person that looked like Marshall. Must've been his brother Nate. "Sup bro", Marshall took his arm off my waist and did that handshake, hug thing that guys do. "Who's this?", "This is my girlfriend, Grace. Grace this is Nate", Nate shook my hand, "Sup", "Sup". "She's a hottie", I heard Nate say to Marshall, I turned my head and blushed. "I know, she's mine though", "Pfftt", Nate said.
"Uncle Nate!", Whit shouted, rushing outside. She ran to him and hugged him, Nate fell back a little bit. "Dad, is dinner nearly ready?", "In 'bout five minutes", "Yay!". "Can I have a can of Coke", "Sure Whit, only one though", "Okay, uncle Nate do you want a drink?". "Do have any beer?", "Yep", Marshall said. "I thought you didn't drink", "They're mine, but you can have one", "Thanks". Whitney rushed back inside. Me and Marshall began plating up the paddies and sausages. Marshall put the plates on his huge, outside table.
"Here uncle Nate", Whit said, passing Nate a beer. "Thanks Whit", Nate ruffled up her hair. Whit placed her drink on the table and flattened her hair. Once she finished flattening her hair, she opened her can and took a gulp. "Hailie! Laney! Dinner!", Marshall yelled, "Coming!", Hailie rushed outside and sat at the table. Lanie came a minute later and sat down.
Me and Marshall sat next to each other. I made two burgers and a hot dog. They were gone after a couple minutes, "You eat like a tiger", Nate said, laughing. I poked my tongue at him and made another hot dog. After dinner, Marshall brought out a chocolate cake. I rubbed my hands together, it looked pretty good. After three pieces of cake, I was full.
All the food had made me tired, I got up from the table and went to the kitchen. I looked in the fridge and pulled out one of Marshall's Redbull can. I cracked it opened and took a big gulp. I felt more awake after a second gulp. I wiped my mouth and headed back outside. "I think you girls better get to bed, it ten o'clock", "Fine". Whit, Hailie and Laney walked back inside.
Nate pulled out a couple smokes, "Want one?", "Sure". Nate handed me a smoke and a lighter. I put it to my mouth and lit it. After a few inhales and exhales, the smoke was gone. I put it out. I took another sip of my Redbull. "Hey! That's mine!", Marshall said, "Too bad". I took another gulp and poked my tongue at Marshall. "You guys are cute", "Uh huh".
I was getting cold, so I sat on Marshall's lap and laid my head on his shoulder. "Your warm", I whispered to Marshall. "Whispering dirty things", "Nate!", "Haha". "Well, I gotta go", "See ya around bro", "See ya", "Bye bro and bro's girlfriend". Nate gave a wave and walked off. I gave Marshall a kiss on his nose.