Chapter 1

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** Grace's POV **

Hi, my name's Grace and I'm a 20 year old run away, I ran away at 18. I lived in an abusive home where I was beaten a lot, so when I got enough money I packed a bag full of clothes,shoes, phone charger, phone, mp3 player  and a couple of headphones. It wasn't much but it was all I needed.

So once everyone in the house was asleep, I snuck out the window, ran out the driveway and jumped the gate. Once I got distance between me and the house, I got my cell phone out of my bag and called my best friend, Laura. Beep...Beep...Beep... 'Hello?' a tired and croaky voice answered. 'Hey Laura, it's Grace, look, I need somewhere to stay", "Sure thing", 'Thanks, I'll be there in ten minutes". " Kay see you in ten minutes' a tired Laura said. " Bye, Lulu",I said,"Bye Gracie". I hung up and shoved my black and purple cell phone in the pocket of my black Eminem hoodie.

As I started to walk I realized how cold the wind was, a small smirk made it's way to my pink lips as I thought of one of Eminem's songs 'Cold Wind Blows'. Ten minutes later I stood at the door of Laura's house. I knocked lightly on the wooden door, almost instantly it opened and there stood a tired looking Laura, she wore an oversized Eminem shirt with black shorts and her long brunette hair in a messy bun.

"Hey" we said at the same time, we laughed at that, "So what brings your ass here?" Laura said in a humerous voice. "I ran away, tired of being beaten", Laura nodded her head sadly, she was the only one I had told. We knew we couldn't any thing about it, we lived in the dangerous part in Detroit where things like this always happen. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Laura said, " Come on, bring your ass inside", I laughed. I walked into her living room, dumped my bag on the floor and fell on the couch.

**Laura's POV**

I watched her sit down on the couch tiredly, I was getting more and more tired but I needed to be there for my best friend. I called out from the kitchen ' Your ass want a hot drink?", I heard a reply of  "Yeah, hot chocolate", I filled up the kettle and flipped the switch. I walked over to the couch, sat lazily on the couch next to Grace, "So, tomorrow night you wanna go out to a pub?', since we were both over 18 and had ID's we could go drinking. "Yeah, sure sounds fun", we heard the kettle switch signal that the water was boiled. I stood up and made the hot chocolates and sat back down next to Grace.

I checked the time, " Holy shit, it's already 1 A.M! Guess you might be tired huh?", a heard a mumble of "Yeah". " You can sleep in the spare bedroom", "Okay, oh and thanks for letting me stay with you". 'You welcome anytime, now lets get some sleep".  

**Grace's POV**

I chucked my bag on a chair and flopped on the double bed in the spare bedroom. "Good night", Laura sang, "Night" I sang back. I got up and dug through my bag for something to sleep in.

I pulled out a white Eminem shirt and a grey pair of comfy pants. I stripped off my clothes and changed into my outfit, when I got changed I tied my hair up in a high ponytail and dug through my bag and got a pair of headphones and my phone charger. I grabbed my cell phone out of my hoodie. I plugged my phone charger into the wall and plugged my phone on the charger. I plugged my headphones into my black and purple cell phone and played my favourite album ' The Slim Shady LP', I flopped on the bed, and got my self comfy. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to 'If I Had'.

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