Chapter 15

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When I woke up I had a pounding headache and I felt a bit sick. I rolled onto my side and I swear I nearly jumped out the bed.

There on the other was a sleeping Marshall. I started to get out the bed, without him realizing. I let out a small scream as his arm snaked around my waist, "Uh, uh, uh" he said, I turned my head and I saw a fully awake Marshall smirking at me. I pulled his arm of my waist a bit to forcefully. Once I got out the bed I wobbled to the bathroom, and fell to my knees. I started puking.

"Babe you alright", "Don't fucking call me babe! Matter of fact don't even talk to me!" I shouted at him, walking out of the bathroom. "Come on babe lets talk about this", "No Marshall, the facts are you slept with another girl, I wasn't good enough", I shouted, spitting venom, I already had my clothes back on and I was heading for the door. He ran and stood in front of it. "Babe, it was an accident" , "What? She tripped, fell and landed on your dick?!" I shouted at him. "Not exactly", "Move!" I said pushing Marshall out the way.

I ran out the door and into the elevator. I pushed the button several times, it closed just as Marshall got to the door. I felt it plunge down to the lobby, once it opened I rushed out and ran outside. Once outside I ran through people, I even nearly got run over. I looked back, I saw a big swarm, people must of saw Marshall and wanted autographs and photos.

I slowed down and smirked. Guess it's a favour not to be famous. Walking back to the bar I was at last night, I thought of how Marshall found me at the bar, in the all the bars in Detroit he was at that one. It seemed a bit weird, why that bar? I asked myself.

After a few minutes I was nearly at the bar, I  heard a car honk beep from behind me. I turned my head and I saw Marshall in his car, he was driving slowly next to me.

"Babe, come on, get in the car", "Fuck off Marshall!". "Please baby" he whined, "No, Marshall, you did it, it's your fault. I would'a thought someone who got burnt wouldn't wanna do that to some else. Guess I was wrong","Babe, --", "No just leave me the fuck alone!". "Look, the girls miss you, I miss you" he said. "I hardly believe that" I said, he was pulling over. He got out of the car, I started to run, he ran after me and grabbed my shoulder. I let out a small yelp when he grabbed me. He turned me around the face him, I gave him cold eyes. "Babe, it didn't mean anything", "Marshall, I find that very hard to believe, I'm not a retard that can't see what'll happen"."What will happen then?", "You'll get bored with me and then cheat. And to top it off your daughter hates me". "Yeah, but one of them adores you", "And plus you left some stuff at my house, so you'll have to get it" he added on with a smirk on his face. "Fine, take me to your house so I can get my stuff and say bye to Whitney. AND nothing else", "Maybe we can get busy" Marshall said wriggling his eyebrows, "Don't push your fucking luck, Marshall" I snarled.

He took me to his house, he kept talking to me but I ignored him. All I could think about was Whitney, she's going to be devastated. Especially because I told her I wasn't going to hurt them. I felt so bad, my heart was sinking even more. I snapped out of my thoughts when Marshall stopped the car. I opened the car door and ran to the front door.

I opened the door and Whitney came running. "Daddy, I told -- Grace!" Whitney yelled excitedly. "Oh, that bitch is back" I heard Hailie yell from upstairs. "Hailie stop saying that" Marshall yelled at Hailie, "Nah, she is a bitch!" she yelled back. Marshall stompped upstairs. Whitney was now hugging me tightly, bouncing up and down. "You left all your clothes and your phone" Whitney said, letting me go.

She ran up to her room and came back down with my phone and my bags. "Thanks Whit" I said, "Look, Whit.. I don't think me and your dad aren't going to stay together","What! Why?" she asked sadness laced in her voice. "Your dad kinda.. Um... Cheated on me", "What? With who?" Whitney asked slightly surprised, "I don't know". "How do you know?", "Because I found out, there were some signs", "I can't believe dad would that" Whitney said.

"But Whit, know that I still love you", "I love you too", "Really Whit? You love me?". "Yeah, your more like a mother to me. I hope you still come around to see me", "Oh Whit, of coarse I will". I gave her a hug, she gave me a kiss on my cheek, "Don't be kissing that bitch!" Hailie shouted. "You know what! Grace isn't a bitch. You are!" Whitney shouted at her. "Whitney!" Marshall said his jaw nearly dropping to the floor.

"Look I should go" I said, grabbing my phone and I grabbed the door handle. "Yeah, leave bitch!", "Grace, don't leave!" Whitney said. "Bye Whit, you can take my bags back and get a refund", "No, Grace they're for you", "Okay" I said, picking up the bags, "Bye" I opened the door and walked down their long ass driveway. I felt someone grab my hips, "Marshall, get off!", "No", "Marshall, let go" I said my voice getting softer. "Please, come back inside", "Fine". "Could you stay the night?", "Only if you tell me why you slept with another girl". "Yes, I'll do anything you say and tell you everything you wanna know", "Be prepared to be my slave then". I said, with a big smirk on my face.

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