"Grace, wake up" Laura softly sang. I slowly woke up and I smelt... Pancakes. " Grace, I made pancakes", " I know I can smell them dumbass" I said in a humorous and happy voice. I sat up, I got out off bed and followed Laura into the kitchen. I sat down at the breakfast bar while Laura gave me a plate of pancakes with maple syrup covering each one of them. " Yum, thanks", "Your welcome". "Guess what?" Laura asked in a excited voice. "What?" I asked. "I got tickets to the Eminem concert !!", "Your kidding right?" I asked excitedly. "No, I'm not, I got front row seats, see?" Laura said, whipping out two tickets to the Rapture. "Oh my FUCKING God!!" I said, jumping off my seat and running up to Laura giving her the tightest hug ever. 'Oh my God!!" I repeated over and over again. Once I calmed down, I got my phone, went on Eminem's website and ordered a couple of shirts.
I ended up buying 4 pairs of Eminem wristbands, two for me and two for Laura and five Eminem shirts. " They'll be here in a couple of days", "Yay!" Laura replied. I was still mind blown we got front row seats, back stage passes and a meet and greet.
"So, when are we going out?" I asked. " Whatever time you wanna go", "Hmm, how 'bout six?" I asked. " Yeah, oh wow! It's already twelve" Laura said. "Lulu, do you know your the best friend a girl could have?" I asked with happiness laced in my voice. " I've been told that so many times" Laura said sarcastically "But seriously" she added on "your my only friend that stuck around". "Oh, really?" I asked with a bit of sadness in my voice. "Yeah..." Laura trailed off. "Oh, come here" I said and pulled her into a tight hug. " Well, I'm gonna have a shower", Laura said. "Okay, well I'll watch TV" I said finishing off my pancakes and lazily sat down on Laura's black leather couch. I switched on the TV and flicked through TV channels until I saw an interview with Eminem on MTV.
Interviewer: So how are you feeling about the 'Marshall Mathers LP2'?
Eminem: Um... I think it's a good album to end the saga of the Marshall Mathers LP's.
Interviewer: How does it feel to be sober and drug-free for three years?
Eminem: It feels good man, it wasn't good for my babys back at home.
As I was watching, I felt a wet towel hit me right in face cutting of what the interviewer was saying. I heard laughter, I took the towel off my face and I heard the TV switch off. I weakly threw the towel back at Laura and laughed. "Hey?!" Laura playfully whined, I stuck my tongue at her cheekily. 'Go get your ass in the shower" Laura playfully said, chucking a dry towel at me. "Fine" I said. I went to my room and grabbed a pair of demin mini shorts with a few slashes in them, a black D12 tank top, a pair of underwear and a black bra. I walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I stripped off and stuck my hand under the water, when I was satisfied with warmth, I walked in the shower. I washed my hair and my face. I looked at my arms, they had several cuts here and there and lots of scars. I wasn't just beaten up, I got cut as well. Tears started to swell in my eyes, I wiped my tears away and continued to wash my body.
I dried my body, and slipped on my underwear and my black bra, my tank top and my demin shorts.
I heard Laura call out "Hey, you wanna get some food?", I called back "Yeah, what are we having?".Laura said " I don't know". I laughed and walked in my room. I sat on my bed, pulled on my socks then I slipped on my black All Star Converse and ran into the lounge to see Laura on her blue iPhone 6."Ready?", Laura asked eyes glued on her screen, "Yep".
We sat in Laura's car, it was nice. It was painted blue, and the inside was black leather. "So? Do you know where we're going?", I asked, "How 'bout Chinese?" Laura asked. "Hell yes !!", I replied.
After we had our Chinese, we drove back home. Me and Laura were rapping to one of Eminem's songs, it was blaring through Laura's car speakers loud. I checked the time, 5:35PM. " Drinkie time soon!", I said joy and happiness laced in my voice, "Yess!!" Laura said enthusiastically. Laura parked in her driveway and we hopped out of her car. As soon as we walked in the house, we went straight to our rooms to get changed. I pulled out a strapless, lacy, black bra, a dark purple strapless dress and a pair of black wedges. I pulled off my clothes and slipped on my new outfit. I gave my hair a quick brush and applied a little lip gloss to my already pink lips. I walked into the living room and sat on the comfy leather couch. Laura walked out of her room, she looked so pretty, she had her hair down, she was wearing a thin-strapped dark blue dress and a pair of dark blue heels, over her dress she had a black leather jacket. "Damn, you look beauts!" Laura said, 'I could say the same to you" I said with a slight smirk.
We got in her car and drove to our favourite bar 'Detroit Drinks'( I don't know if this is a real place ). We got there at 6:15. It wasn't a very popular bar, that's sort of the reason we like it. We sat at the bar and asked the bartender for two burbon and cokes. After he served them we took slurps of our drinks. A group of people walked in the bar we thought nothing of it.
"God damnit! Leave me alone!" A voice said, it was coming from the group of people who just walked in.
We turned to see what was happening. And there we saw Marshall Mathers coming towards the bar. The rest of the people had left, must of been his body guards. I whispered to Laura "Oh my FUCKING God, Marshall Mathers is right next to me!". I heard him order a bowl of fries and a glass of Moutain Dew."Go talk to him" Laura said. I turned around and introduced myself. "Hey, I'm Grace" I said shyly. "I'm Marshall", "I know". He looked at me a bit shocked, "I'm a big fan, well we're big fans" Laura poked out behind me and waved.
**Marshall's POV**
This girl was beautiful and sexy as fuck. I asked for her cell phone number and she happily gave it to me and I gave mine to her. "Are you coming to my concert?", I asked, " Fuck yeah!". Her friend from behind her said " She a Stan", Grace turned her head and said " You can't stop the stanness!", they both started to laugh, I let out a light chuckle. "Here you go Mr.Mathers" , the bartender served my fries and Moutain Dew.