When I woke up all I could hear, was DeShaun's crying. Ugh, guess Marshall's not going to get up. I carefully pulled the covers off of me and slipped out of bed. I looked out the window, it was still pretty dark. Looked midnight.
I quietly made my way out of Marshall's room, down the hall and into DeShaun's room. I turned the light, DeShaun was crying hard out. I made my way to DeShaun's crib. "Sh, sh. Mommy's here. Mommy's here", I said, picking him up.
He kept sobbing. "Is DeShaun hungry?", I asked in a baby voice. I knew he wouldn't respond, but it was nice. "I bet you need a nappy change too", DeShaun stopped sobbing and started to coo. I laid him down on the diaper change bench.
I grabbed a diaper, baby powder and wipes. I pulled off DeShaun's pants and diaper. He started to cry again, "Sh. I know it's cold. Sh", I said, trying to calm him own. I quickly changed his diaper and put his pants back on. He calmed down, but still sobbed a bit. "Now. Time to feed you".
DeShaun's head rested on my shoulder, while I walked to the rocking chair in his room.
I had to say, DeShaun's room looked really nice. It was wallpapered light blue with a dark blue stripe. There was blue carpet and a fluffy dark blue rug. DeShaun's crib was against the wall across from the door. There was a diaper change table and a rocking chair. In a corner, there was a drawer, filled with DeShaun's tiny clothes. There was a diaper bag hanging on the roof, next to the drawers and a heater was on the wall. Next to the crib was a clock.
I sat down in the rocking me and DeShaun back and forth. Rocking seemed to calm DeShaun down. I pulled the front of my nighty down, exposing my breasts to the cold air.
"Here DeShaun", I said, placing a nipple in DeShaun's mouth. It feels so weird to breastfeed. DeShaun sucked on my nipple, sucking milk. I could hear DeShaun suckling. Milk dripped down his chin, I used my finger to wipe it off.
I felt DeShaun slowing down on his sucking. His eyelids fluttered open and closed. His eyes looked just like Marshall's. I felt him stop sucking. I guess he fell asleep. I rocked him back and forth. God, he was so cute! I pulled my nighty back up.
I picked him up. I put his head on my shoulder and attempted to burp him. He burped in his sleep. I lightly laughed. I can't believe this little boy is mine.
I stood up, trying not to wake DeShaun. I managed to get to the crib and placed him carefully in his crib. I pulled his covers over him. I held onto his tiny hand. I looked at the clock, it half past one.
After a minute or two, I let go of his hand and slipped out his room. Turning the light off and tip toeing back down the hall. I quietly slipped into our bedroom. I quickly slipped back under the covers. Warmth came over my body. "Babe", "What?". "How's DeShaun?". "He's fine. Just needed a nappy change and milk". "Okay", I rolled on my side, so I faced Marshall.
Marshall's eyes were wide open, we just stared at each other. I moved closer to Marshall and wrapped my arm around him. He wrapped his arm around me. Just as I was about to fall asleep... DeShaun started to cry again. "I'll go this time", "Okay", I said. Marshall got out bed and disappeared, once he closed the bedroom door.
I sighed and rolled onto my back. Wonder when we're gonna go in to the studio? I wonder how the weddings gonna go. I wonder what my dress is gonna look like. I sorta had a idea of what I wanted my dress to look like. I need to stop stressing, I mentally told myself. Stop. Just stop, I told myself. You need rest, just close your eyes and go to sleep.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
"Babe", "Babe". "What?", I asked, Marshall stopped shaking me. "I have to drop the girls off and DeShaun is awake and needs to be looked after". "Okay, I'll get up", I kicked off the covers and got out of bed. "Thanks babe", Marshall said, leaning towards me and kissing me softly. "I'll see you soon Marshy", "Yeah babe". Marshall jogged out the bedroom, I stood up and found my robe. I pulled it on and tied it around my waist.
I made my way to DeShaun's room. He was awake, eyes open and was staring at the roof. I could hear him cooing quietly. "Hi my baby boy", I said, walking to DeShaun's crib. I reached over his crib and began to tickle his tummy. I laughed and stuck his hand in his mouth. I smiled down on him.
"Come here DeShaun", I picked him up and sat on the rug with DeShaun. DeShaun wiggled on the ground, trying to move. At this point, he only move his arms and his legs. "You little cutie DeShaun". He just looked at me and cooed. "I can't wait until you're older. I'll take you to the park and you'll go to school. You're the little boy I've always wanted".
"And I bet my little boy is hungry. Aren't you?", I asked, DeShaun wrapped his fingers and my index finger. "Lets go make your bottle", I said, picking DeShaun up and getting myself off the ground.
DeShaun cooed in my ear as I walked down the hall, down the stairs and into the kitchen. I started to sing to DeShaun while I made his bottle,
My baby boy,
You're such a little cutie
I can't believe you're mine
I couldn't have wished, for someone better than you
I hope you know you're loved
I won't ever leave you
I couldn't imagine leaving you, my baby boy
I finished making DeShaun's bottle. "Here my baby boy", I said, placing the bottle in DeShaun's mouth. He started to suck the milk out, I went into the lounge and sat on the love seat. Looking after DeShaun wasn't so hard right now. All you have to do is, feed him, change his diaper, calm him down and love him. Right now he was a angel, apart for the fact that he wakes up every three hours. So me and Marshall are gonna be very busy and tired.
The only time we're gonna get a break is, the day before the wedding and on our honneymoon. But, regardless I still love him. I'm always gonna love him. "I love you DeShaun", I said, placing a kiss on DeShaun's head. He was still drinking his milk.
"I'm always gonna love you, my baby boy".