Chapter 21

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There on the TV was an interview. A interview with Kim. My eyes were glued on the screen. 

Interviewer: "Today we have a interview with Kim Scott, Marshall Mathers A.K.A Eminem's ex-wife. She informs us she has a interesting story about Mr. Mathers".

The camera turned towards Kim, she smirked at the camera.

Kim: "Yes, I have a story that is sure to raise some concern".

Interviewer: "Go on".

Kim: "Well as you know Marshall has a new girlfriend. The thing that no one knows is that she's only twenty".

Marshall turned his head toward me, "You're only twenty?", "Yes". "Why didn't you tell me?", "I don't know, it just never came up", he sighed, "Why don't really hang out do we?". "Not really", "Well, let's go on a date", "Really?", "Sure, I'll call a restaurant and we'll go out for dinner or something". "Okay". "Don't let Kim get to you, I'll go call a restaurant", Marshall walked out the room, I resumed watching the interview.

Kim:" This is not a real relationship, it's a fling. I don't like it and I'm going to try and get full custody of my kids".

Interviewer: "If Marshall or his girlfriend is watching this, what would you say to them?".

Kim:"That what they're doing  is disgusting. He's a forty-one year old man and she's a twenty year old year girl. One of my daughters is that age. I just think it's horrible, Marshall is a grown man, she's about half his age. And I can guarantee it going to end in heartbreak".

I turned off the TV, I know it shouldn't but what Kim said is getting to me. How did she know I'm twenty? This seems a bit to weird, to weird for my liking.

Is she really going to try and get full custody of the girls? That would break Marshall's heart, he loves all of them. It would break my heart too, I mean, they're all lovely girls.  They make me feel like I'm part of the family, especially Whitney, she makes me feel like I'm her mum. I love them all so much, I love Marshall so much too.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I felt, strong arms wrap around me, pulling me into a hug. "You alright babe?", "Yeah, did you book a restaurant?", "Yep, 6:30 and I'm getting Nate to look after the kids". "Sounds like a plan".

"Umm...  Marshall", "Yeah babe?", "I know this isn't a good time but Kim said she's going to try and get full custody of the girls". "What!", Marshall said, enraged.

He stormed out the room and went upstairs. I got off the couch and followed him.

He picked up his cell phone and rang some one, I rushed to him and gave him a hug. He hugged me back, "Kim", he said, gritting his teeth. I had to admit he looked pretty scary mad. "You're not getting the kids!", Marshall said getting more and more angry by the minute. He rang up the phone and slammed into the table it was on before.

I heard knocking at the door, "I'll get it", I said, running back downstairs and answered the door. It was Laura.

"Hey Lulu", "Hey". "Is something wrong?", "Nah, nothing really", "Is it something you wanna tell me?". "Nah, don't worry about it", "If you say so". "Anyway, come in", I said, letting Laura in. "Wow", "I know right". "Wanna drink?", I asked. "Umm.. Sure I'll have a hot chocolate". I went and turned on the jug.

Laura sat down on the leather couch, "Who's here?", I heard Marshall ask from upstairs, "It's just Laura", "Okay".

"Hey, did you see all the paparazzi outside?", Laura asked, "They're back again", "Apparently so". "What are they here for?', Laura asked, "Kim did a interview, about me and Marshall's relationship, shit that I'm only twenty and a bunch of other shit like her trying to get full custody over the girls". "Really?", Laura asked, her jaw dropping a bit. "Yep", the kettle went of and I went and made two hot chocolates.

I went and sat next to Laura, I handed her hot chocolate to her. She took a sip, "So what been up", "Apart from the shit that happened before, nothing really, but Marshall's taking me out tonight", "Where you going?", "A restaurant", "Sounds nice", Laura said, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

I took a gulp of mine, "What's it like living with Eminem?", "Can you just say Marshall, but yeah, it's nice", "I bet it is". "You wanna met Whitney?", "Sure". "Whit, can you come here?", I called out, "Hold on a minute".

Whitney's footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, 'Where's my hot chocolate?", she asked playfully, "You can have some of mine, but first Whitney this is my best friend Laura. Laura this is Whitney", I said, introducing Laura and Whitney. "Hi", Whitney said, waving to Laura, "Hi", Laura said, waving back to Whitney.

"Here", I said, offering some of my hot chocolate to Whitney, "Thanks", Whitney said taking the cup from my hand and she took a big sip of my hot chocolate, "I love your lot chocolates", "She makes awesome hot chocolates, aye?", Laura said, "Thank you", I said.

"Whit, have we got any cookies?", "I think so, I'll go check", Whitney said, placing down my hot chocolate and running into the kitchen.

I picked up my cup and took a gulp of my hot chocolate, "So what have you been up to?", I asked, "Nothing, being bored, I went out one night but that's about it", Laura said. "How was the interview?", "It was fine". Laura finished off her hot chocolate, "Look, I gotta go, but I'll see you sometime", "Is something wrong?", "Nope, everything's fine, I... just gotta go", Laura said, getting off the couch, "Bye", "Bye". She gave me a quick hug and ran out the door. 

"I found the cookies! Where'd Laura go?", "I don't know Whit". Marshall came down the stairs, "Bye", "Where are--". I got cut off by Marshall slamming the front door shut. I looked at Whit, she shrugged and ate a cookie. 

What the fuck just happened?

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