Chapter 12

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At 10:30 Marshall sent Larnie and Hailie to bed. "Why does Whit get to stay up?" Hailie whined. "Because me, Whit and Grace have to talk" Marshall said, "Fine" Hailie said defeated. 

"I think we might want somewhere more private" I said, "Yeah, come on Whit" Marshall said standing up. "Okay daddy" Whit said, getting off the ground. "Aren't you coming?" Whitney asked. "Yep" I said, quickly standing up. Marshall led us upstairs and into his bedroom. Whitney sat on his bed, I sat next to her and Marshall sat in front of us. "So Whitney, what's the matter?", "I'm being bullied" Whitney said, she started to sob. I put my arm around her, "What else" I said quietly. "Can you tell him?" Whitney whispered to me. "Sure". "Marshall, the girl that's being bulling Whit, has a brother and... Err... Umm...he's been touching Whitney". "Ohh, my baby girl" Marshall said, leaning over, giving Whitney a hug.She started to uncontrollably sob on his shoulder. 

**Whitney's POV**

I sobbed into dad's shoulder. I felt Grace's hand rub my back and stroke my hair. After a few minutes I stopped crying. I stopped hugging dad and sat up. Wiping the tears off my eyes, I let out a sniffle. "Marshall, can she have a few days off school" Grace asked, "Sure" daddy replied. Grace looked up at dad and he nodded. "Whit, do you wanna sleep with us", "Yeah!" I said, hopping off dad's bed. "I'm gonna go put on my pj's" I said and then ran out the room.

I opened my bedroom door and there sat Hailie on my bed. "What are you doing?" I asked shocked and a bit startled. " I wanted to see what was bothering you", "What do you mean?", "Come on Whit, I can tell somethings wrong". "Nothing's wrong", "If you say so" Hailie said, jumping of my bed and walking out my door. I walked to my dresser a pulled out a pair of pajamas, it was a black singlet and a pair of pink and black hello kitty shorts.

I walked out my room and went back to dad's bedroom. Grace had changed into one of dad's shirts and daddy was wearing a pair of pajamas. I snuck in the middle of dad's massive bed and snuggled under his fluffy blanket. Dad and Grace got under the blanket too. I hugged dad,  "Goodnight", "Goodnight" dad said giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight" Grace said, I turned and gave her a big hug. Dad turned on his flat screen TV, I fell asleep after a couple minutes.

When I woke up dad wasn't in bed. I looked over at his alarm clock it was 7:50AM, I heard footsteps downstairs. I rolled on my side and saw Grace looking at me with half-closed eyes. "Good morning" she said still half asleep. "Good morning" I said laying on my side. I gave her a quick hug, "Thanks, about yesterday.." I said, trailing off at the end. "No problem" Grace said looking more awake now. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"How 'bout you show me your clothes?", "Alright" I said, getting out from the covers. Grace got out of dad's bed and pulled on one of his baggy pants.

I took her hand and led her to my room. I opened my closet, I heard her gasp, "Look at all your pretty clothes", Grace squealed running into my closet and pulling out one of my dresses.

It was a purple boob-tube with sequins on the top half and it ended at my lower thighs. "Go put it on and show me, I mean if you want" Grace said a bit shyly. "Sure" I said and took the dress from her hands. I ran into my bathroom and pulled of my pajamas and slipped on the dress. I looked in the mirror, I looked pretty good but my bra straps ruined it. I opened the bathroom, "Aww, you look so beautiful" Grace said. I looked down and blushed.

Grace grabbed my hair brush of my bedside table and lightly brushed my hair, it felt nice to have someone brush my hair. She braided it into a fish tail. It reached down my back, I looked in my full length mirror. All in all I looked pretty.

"Come on lets show your dad" Grace said, reaching out her hand. I grabbed it and she took me downstairs, "Marshall, come and look at your beautiful daughter". I blushed at that comment.

" Whit, you look so pretty" Hailie said, "Wait, aren't you going to school today?". " I looked up at Grace, "Err... your dad's letting her have the day off" Grace said nervously, but Hailie shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

"Dad! Hurry up!", Hailie shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming, coming", dad shouted back, running down the stairs. "Come on girls, bye Whitney, bye Grace" dad said ushering the girls to the car. "Bye" Hailie and Larnie said, "Bye" I said, the front door closed.

I walked into the kitchen, I pulled out some cereal, "Hey, hey! What are you doing?" Grace said. "Umm.. Making some cereal" I said, in a questioning voice. "Nah-uh I'm making pancakes" Grace said, "Okay then", I said putting the cereal back and going back in the lounge and sitting on the couch.

I heard Grace in the kitchen, after ten minutes Grace had made me a stack of pancakes and covered each one in maple syrup. "Thanks" I said, I took my pancakes and sat at the breakfast bar. She came and sat next to me with her plate of pancakes. We sat there eating our pancakes.

"Wanna a drink?", Grace asked getting off her chair. "Yes, please" I said, she grabbed a bottle of juice and poured two glasses. I took it and took a big sip from my glass.

"Thanks", it got really awkward, there wasn't really anything to talk about. "Whitney, is there something you'd like to tell me?" Grace asked, "No, there's just not really anything to talk about". "Oh, okay, what should we talk about then?" she asked. "How 'bout I take you shopping?" I offered, "I couldn't use your money" Grace said, refusing politely. "Oh, it's not a problem, we can use dad's credit card", "Are you sure?" she asked, unsure. "Yes, now come on and go get dressed" I said, she finished off her pancakes.

"Okay, be down in a couple of minutes" Grace said, walking out the kitchen and up the stairs.

A minute later dad walked in. "Hi baby", dad said, "Hi daddy". "Can I use your credit card to take Grace shopping?", "No, but I can give you cash", dad said, pulling out his wallet and pulling out and handing me a about fiveteen $50, so about $750.

I took the money and ran to my room, I grabbed a purse and I slipped on a pair of custom converses. They were purple with black lace and had black shoelaces. I put the money in my purse and walked out my room.

I walked back downstairs, Grace and dad were talking. They stopped once I walked in the room, "Ready to go", Grace asked. "Yep", she got off the chair and we walked out the door.

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