I put down the toilet seat and sat down. Letting out a sigh, I mentally cursed. "Fuck", I whispered. I'm gonna have to tell Marshall. I took another sigh and got up. My legs felt like jelly the closer I got to the bathroom door. I held the doorknob, I slowly turned the handle, opening the door and walking out the door. I neared Marshall.
I was now in the living room, a few metres from Marshall. "Marshall, I've got something to ask?", "What is it?", Marshall asked, he sounded slightly nervous. I sat down on the couch next to Marshall, "How do you feel about having more kids?", "I would love it!", Marshall said. "Really?", I asked, looking up from my hands. "Yeah. I would love more kids".
I felt ready, I took the pregnancy test out of my pocket and showed it to Marshall. "You're pregnant?!", Marshall asked, he sounded excited. "Yep". "Babe, that's amazing!", Marshall said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, holding onto Marshall tight.
A few tears fell down my cheek. Marshall pulled away, "Babe what's wrong?", "I thought you wouldn't want another kid", I said, smiling. Marshall wiped my tears, "I'm so excited". "Me to".
Well, this went better than expected...
I was getting ready, Marshall was taking me and the girls out for dinner. We're going out to celebrate me being pregnant and we're gonna tell the girls they're gonna have a have a new sibling. I hope the like the idea of having a new brother or sister, I thought putting on a dangly earring.
"Why are we going out?", Hailie asked, standing next to my, applying dark pink lipstick. "It's a surprise", I sang. Hailie took a check in the mirror, "Tell me", Hailie begged. "You'll find out soon", "Fine". Hailie adjusted her dress and did another check in the mirror.
I stood back and took a look at myself. All in all, I looked pretty hot. My auburn hair was straightened. I had a small amount of make up, just eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. I had a sparkly, black dress, that stopped at my lower thigh and I had shiny, black heels.
"Ready?", Whit asked, poking her head through the door. "Hold on", I said, pulling on a leather jacket. Me and Hailie linked arms and walked out the door. Hailie and I had gotten more close in the past days. I linked arms with Whit and we all walked down the stairs.
We walked into the kitchen, Marshall and Laney were there. Laney was leaning on the bench and Marshall was sitting at the breakfast bar. "Lets go!", Marshall said, getting up of his chair, he grabbed his keys and wallet. "Okay", Laney said, she stopped leaning on the bench. Laney and Hailie linked arms. Marshall led us outside and to the car.
The girls sat in the back and I sat in the passenger seat. Marshall opened his door and jumped on his seat. I looked over at him and gave him a nervous smile. He smiled back, I swear his smile shined. Marshall started the car and backed out the driveway. We drove down the road.
We finally arrived at the restaurant, even though it only took twenty minutes, time seemed to slow down. Marshall parked the car and we all got out. Marshall held my hand, the girls all linked arms and walked behind me and Marshall.
We entered the restaurant, Marshall let go of my hand and began talking to some person about our table. Marshall took me out of my thoughts, he pulled me to a table for five. He pulled a seat out for me and I sat down. Marshall and the girls sat down.
A waitress came to us, "Would you like any drinks?", she asked. "Raspberry and Coke", I said, "Mountain Dew", was Marshall's order. And the girls all ordered Coke. "I'll be back with your drinks and menus", "Thanks", Marshall said. She walked off.
"So what's the big news?", Laney asked. "We have something really important to tell you girls", Marshall said, "We know! Just tell us!", Whitney said, whining. "Um... " Marshall said, "I'm pregnant", I blurted out. "What?", Hailie asked. "I'm pregnant", I repeated."Really?", Laney asked. "Yep", I said, proudly. "That's awesome!', Whit said, reaching over the table to give me a hug. "Congrats!", Laney said, a big smile on her face. "Yay!", Hailie said, excitedly.
"Here we go", the waitress said. Moment ruiner much. "Thanks", I said. She placed the drinks and the menus on the table and walked off. I grabbed my drink and took a sip. No more booze for nine months and no more energy drinks. I took another sip and grabbed a menu.
"What'cha gonna get?", Marshall asked. "Garlic bread and for a main, a beef burger", I said. "Fries and a steak", Laney said, "Salad and fish", Hailie said. "A burger and onion rings", Whit said. "What'cha getting Marshall?", I asked. "Fries and a steak, like Laney", Marshall said. I nodded my head.
The night went fast and we we're all back at home. The girls went to bed, 'cause they have school tomorrow and me and Marshall were snuggled on the couch, watching TV. Today had gone better than expected. I'm so glad that Marshall wants to have another kid. I can't believe that I'm going to be a mommy! I'm so excited!
- Hey guys, should I do another story and this one? Or finish this first, then another story? Thanks for reading. Can't believe people actually like my story :) .
Thank you and you guys are awesome!
Peace out :)