Chapter 19

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My breathing speed up as I got out the car. It was now starting to get lighter, probably because it was it was 6:40 A.M.  We all walked inside the police station, I was getting very nervous, I almost felt sick. "Mr. Mathers and family, come with me", the police officer said, I realized it was the same one from the hospital.

"We have to do separate interviews", "Okay, officer", I said, Marshall nodded. I got lead into a interview room, it looked alright. There was two purple leather couches and a small wooden coffee table.

"Would you like a drink of water?", a officer asked, "Yes, please", I sat down on a couch. She poured me a glass of water and handed it to me, I drank all of it. She sat down on the other couch and turned on the camera and microphone.

"My name is officer Humphrey", the women officer said, I nodded. "So, what's your name? And why are you here?". "My name is Grace Shep and I'm here to report a break in", "Are those from the break in?", the officer asked, pointing at the cuts on my face, "Yes", "Do you know who did this?". "Yes, my dad", "Why do you think he'd do this?". "Probably because I ran away from home". "Why did you run away from home?". "Because... My dad used to beat me", I said, tears starting to run down my face. The officer passed me some tissues, I wiped my face, "How long was this going on for?", "Since I was about six or seven". "Miss, do you want to press charges", "I don't know, I.. I think so.. Yes, I want to press charges". "Miss, does any one else know about this", "Yes, my best friend, Laura Thompson", "We'll get in contact with her. Is there anything else you think we need to know?", "I don't think so".  "I'll get the paperwork for pressing charges", "Okay". She walked out of the room. 

I wondered how Marshall and the girls were doing. I sat there wondering about stuff until the officer came back. She put a stack of papers on the table with a pen.

"These are the papers you have to fill out", "That's a lot to fill out", I mumbled. "I suppose it is", she said, chuckling a bit. She flipped over to the first page, "These are about your self, name, age etc and who you're pressing charges against". I picked up the pen and filled out the page, it didn't take long.

She went to the next page, "This page is about why you're pressing charges", I wrote down why I'm pressing charges, I saw tears swelling in my eyes. I wiped them away and continued writing. 

After about a half an hour I was finished. My hand was sore from all the writing, I filled out, like, twenty-five pages. The officer escorted me out of the room and into a waiting room, Marshall and the girls were there waiting for me. "Hi", I said, "Hi", Marshall said. "Come on lets go", Marshall said,

"Hold on", the officer said, calling out. "Hmm", I turned around, "Miss, there'll be a letter for you once we arrest your dad", "Okay", I said, we started walking out of the police station.

"Why are they arresting your dad?", Whitney asked, "Yeah, why?", Hailie asked. "Because of stuff", I said, my expression turning cold. "But why?", Lanie asked, joining the conversation, " Because!", I said, getting slightly pissed off. "Come on girls, leave her alone", Marshall said, "Fine", the girls all said. "Thanks", I whispered in his ear, "Any time, but you're gonna tell me, right?", Marshall whispered back. "Probably", I said.

We were now at the car. Marshall unlocked it. We all got in and Marshall drove us back to his house.

Once we got inside, I went to the lounge and flopped on the love seat. "I'm going to bed", Whitney said, "Me to", Hailie said. "Peace out", Lanie said, walking upstairs. Whitney and Hailie went upstairs.

Marshall came and sat next to me, with a Redbull in his hands. He took a gulp, I snatched it off him and took a sip. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

"Come on, lets go to bed", I said getting out the couch, "I like the sound of that", Marshall said, getting up of the love seat and placing his Redbull on the table.

I took his hand and led him to his room. Once we were in his room I pulled off my hoodie, it lifted up my top exposing my stomach to the chilly air. I pulled down my top and dived under the covers. I relaxed into the bed, I felt some cold air when Marshall got in. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. I turned, so I faced him, I stared into his beautiful blue eyes. They were so perfect. I gave him a soft kiss on his lips and snuggled into his chest.

Just as I was about to fall asleep my phone rang. It was Laura. I sighed, sat up and answered my phone. "Are you alright?", Laura asked once I answered the phone. "Umm yes". "The police called me, I'm going to go down to the station", "Okay, you should come over later on". "Sure, if you want. What time?", "About three o'clock", "Okay, see you later", "Bye". Laura hang up.

I placed my phone on the bedside table and snuggled back into Marshall. He was warm.

I looked at him, he was smirking at me. "What?", I asked. "This wasn't what I had planned", he said. "Marshall", I whined playfully. "What? I can't help it", "No". "Ohh, why?", Marshall asked, making puppy dog eyes at me. I melted, "Because", "Because?", Marshall said with victory. "Fine Marshall", I said, admitting defeat. "Yay", Marshall said, I sighed playfully.

Marshall laid on top of me, pushing some of his weight on me. He kissed me roughly, I opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. We wrestled tongues, he put his hands under my shirt and reached to my bra. He reached behind me and unclipped my bra. He started to fondle my boobs, I moaned into his mouth. I felt my self get wet. Marshall pushed my legs apart and put his legs between mine. We stopped making out, "Marshall", I moaned. He got off me, "What?", I asked confused. "Pay back", he said, "Marshall", I whined. "Nope", "Fine then", I said turning over on my side facing away from Marshall. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I relaxed again and fell asleep.

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