My eyes fluttered open, I felt a weight on my chest. I looked down, it was just Marshall. I ran my fingers through Marshall's bleached hair. I hope Marshall's gonna wake up soon. Kinda wanna move, you know? Make something to eat and have a shower. Maybe go for a swim with Marshall later. The ocean looked so clear and the sun shined off it.
I relaxed my head into the pillow. I could hear mine and Marshall's breathing, birds singing and the ocean waves crashing on the beach.
After a while, I got extremely bored. I suck at being patient, plus I'm hungry. I tried to push Marshall off me. After a few pushes, I managed to get Marshall off me. He was now laying in the middle of the bed. I kicked off the cover. Didn't really need it, the air was warm but slightly cool.
I slipped on one of Marshall's tee shirts and walked out the bedroom. To the kitchen! I thought enthusiastically. I ran into the huge kitchen. Seriously, it was massive. I rushed to the cupboards and flung the doors open. My eyes quickly scanned the full cupboards. I pulled out a ready made pancake mix. I really want to know why I love pancakes. Probably 'cause they're awesome!
I placed the box on the bench and went looking for the other things I need. I got a bowl and a wooden spoon, now all I needed was milk, butter and a pan. I quickly found the pan. Now to the fridge. I shuffled my feet to the fridge. I opened the fridge door and bent over, looking for milk and butter.
I nearly jumped out my skin when I felt someone smack my ass. "Holy shit!", I screamed, then I stood up normally and looked behind me. As I expected, it was only Marshall, "Nice view". I turned around to face him, he had a smirk on his face. "Don't fucking do that again", Marshall's smirk remained on his face.
I rolled my eyes and continued to look for the butter and milk. Marshall's hand moved lower, cupping my ass and a finger began to rub my lips. I ignored it and pulled out the milk and butter.
Marshall's hands let go as I walked back to the bench. I opened the box and ripped open the packet, pouring half of it into the bowl. Marshall's arms wrapped around my waist, hugging me from behind. I put the packet on the bench and turned around to face Marshall.
I stood on my toes and kissed Marshall. When I pulled away from the kiss, Marshall had a smile painted on his face. "Marshy, can we go swimming later?", I asked, looking through my lashes. "Whatever you want", Marshall said, planting a kiss on my nose and holding me tighter. "Hope you like what I brought", I said, turning away from Marshall and poured the milk into the bowl.
Marshall still had me in his hold, "What did you buy?", Marshall asked, grinding on my ass. "You'll see". "Oh, babe", Marshall whined, "Annoying isn't it?", I asked, trying to hide my smirk. "Yes", Marshall said.
"Why don't you take a shower, while I make breakfast", "Fine", Marshall said, letting go of me and walking out the kitchen. I continued to make the pancake batter. I heard the shower turn on, while chucking dirty dishes in the large sink. I'll put them in the dishwasher later. I put the pan on the oven and turning on the element.
I leaned on the bench, waiting for the pan to heat up. I went back to fridge, looking for a drink. Hopefully, there won't be a Marshall trying to scare me to death. I managed to pull out a bottle of juice, without jumping out my skin. I opened the lid and took a gulp. I placed it on the bench and rushed back to the pan.
I waved my hand over the pan, feeling the heat. Kinda reminds me of when I was a kid, it was fun until my hand was put on the hot pan. I looked at my hand, the wounds had healed. I can still remember how much I cried and screamed, while my dad would smirk. Evil cunt.
Shaking the thoughts away, I poured the pancake batter in the pan. In no time, there was a stack of pancakes, ready for me and Marshall. I found a bottle of maple syrup, took the two plates of pancakes, and my bottle of juice and made my way to the table. I heard the shower turn off and the shower door close. Marshall must be done.
I sat down on the white leather chair. It sent shivers down my legs, the chair was cold. I managed to ignore it, drowned my pancakes in maple syrup and started to eat my pancakes. Marshall's footsteps came down the hall. He entered the kitchen, could he be any hotter? The towel rode low on his hips, his blue eyes looked like they were electrified.
"Here, pancakes", I said, pushing his plate closer to him. Marshall sat down in the chair opposite me. I offered the maple syrup bottle, he took it. "Thanks babe", "No problem Marshy". Marshall poured maple syrup on each of his pancakes. Marshall placed the bottle on the table and began eating his pancakes. I was nearly half way through mine.
"You eat like a tiger", Marshall said. Because I had pancakes in my mouth, I nodded my head. Marshall laughed. I swallowed and stuck my tongue at Marshall. "Stop being cute babe", "Only when you stop being hot". I poked my tongue at Marshall a second time. He poked his back. I smirked and continued to eat my pancakes.
In a couple minutes all my pancakes were gone and Marshall wasn't close. I drank some of my drink, while Marshall continued to eat his pancakes. "I'm gonna take a shower", I said, standing up. "Kay babe", Marshall said, cutting up his pancakes.
I walked out the kitchen, into the bedroom and into the bathroom. The bathroom was still warm, from when Marshall was in there. I pulled of Marshall's top over my head and started the shower.
After my shower, I dried my body and wrapped the towel around my body. I looked in the mirror, I brushed my wet hair out of my face. I turned off the light and the fan and walked out of the bathroom.
I made my way back into the kitchen, Marshall had finished his pancakes and was sitting at the table waiting for me. A smile grew on my face, Marshall patted a spot for me on his lap. I walked over to Marshall and sat on his lap, where he wanted me to.
I leaned forward and kissed Marshall. Cold air covered my body as Marshall yanked the towel of me. "Marshall give me the fucking towel", I said, trying to reach for the towel. "Uh huh". "Marshall it's fucking cold!", I said, trying even harder to grab my towel, but failing. "I love how you say my name", Marshall said smugly. "Fuck you Marshall", "That's what you do", Marshall joked. "Marshall", I whined. "Nope". "Fine then", I said, getting off Marshall and walking off.
"Babe", I heard Marshall run to me. "Yes Marshall", I said, turning my head. "Here", Marshall said, handing me my towel. "I don't need it", I said, poking my tongue at him. "All that was a game?", Marshall asked. "Yep. Now get ready, I wanna go swimming". "Fine babe".
Me and Marshall walked to the bedroom. I grabbed my bag and ran into the bathroom. "Babe, what are you doing?", "Getting changed", I said, locking the bathroom door. "Why don't you get changed in here?", " 'Cause it's a surprise". "Whatever babe". I rolled my eyes.
I rummaged through my bag, looking for my togs. I finally found them and my beach dress. I pulled on the skimpy bikini. I quickly checked in the mirror. I looked F-I-N-E. I was wearing a black bikini, which wasn't much of a bikini. The top just ended below my nipples and the straps looked as if they could snap. The bikini bottom, was more of a thong. I smirked. I slipped the beach dress over my head and gave my hair a quick brush with my fingers.
I unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out. "Ready?", I asked. "Yep", Marshall said. "Here", Marshall handed me a towel. We held hands and Marshall led me outside.