Me and Marshall had dropped my bags of at the hotel and were on the way to my surprise for Marshall. It had been twenty minutes already, but we were nearly there. We where now outside a bush, "Babe, where are you taking me?", "Hold on". I pushed the bush apart, making a small hole. "In you go", I said to Marshall. "Okay", he went through the hole in the bush, I went after him. I got a couple scratches from the branch, it didn't hurt much.
"Babe, what is it?", "This is my safe place". "I used to always run here, remember the time we broke up and you chased me. This is where I came". "So that's where you went", "Yep".
"Come", I said, holding out my hand for Marshall. He took it and I led him to the swings. Marshall sat on one of the swings, he patted a spot on his lap, motioning for me to sit on his lap. I sat on his lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I snuggled into his chest. Marshall's body heat warmed me up. "When I was little, I used to run here and talk to my mom. I don't know what happened to her, but I feel like she's still with me", "That's a bit depressing", "My life is pretty depressing".
"Well, not anymore", Marshall said, resting his head on top of mine. "My life is so much better. Marshall, your music is what kept me going. So thank you". "Your welcome babe". I lifted my head, looking up at Marshall, he kissed me softly.
"I love you, Marshall Bruce Mathers III", "I love you to, Grace Shep". Marshall kissed me again. Marshall pushed the swing, making us sway back and forth. My head rested on his chest.
"Come", I said, getting off Marshall and standing up. Marshall got off the swing, and followed me. I walked to a slide. "Ready babe?", "Yep", I smirked and climbed up the ladder. "Nice view babe", I looked down at Marshall, "Shut up", I said. I was now at the top of the ladder, I sat down and slid down the slide, Marshall came down the slide after me. As I stood up, Marshall was at bottom of the slide. Marshall stood up, I poked my tongue at him and ran off.
I ran to the flying fox. It was one that you sit on and you go down a wire and at the end there's a trye to stop you. I got the flying fox and walked it up. I climbed up the stairs, still holding onto to the flying fox and onto the wooden platform.
Marshall was waiting up there, "Is that for me?", Marshall asked. "Nope", I poked my tongue at him and in a swift movement, sat on the flying fox and lifted my feet off the platform, sending me flying down the wire. Marshall poked his tongue at me, I was going to say something, but a rush of butterflies flew in my stomach as I hit the tyre. I flew up the wire and slowly went back down. I hopped off the swing and took it up to Marshall.
"Finally babe", Marshall said, jokingly. I handed the flying fox to Marshall, Marshall jumped onto the flying fox and zoomed down the wire. I laughed at the face Marshall made when he hit the tyre. Marshall got off the flying fox and walked back to me.
"I think that's enough excitement for one day", "Oh, is Marshy tired?", I asked in a baby voice, "No. I'm hungry". "Wanna get some food then?", "Yes". "What should we get?", Marshall asked, "Pizza". "What's with pizza? Everytime we get food, it's pizza", Marshall asked, "I love pizza, not as much as I love you though", "Babe that's sweet. I love you too".
"Now lets go get pizza!", I shouted, throwing a fist in the air. "Babe, your crazy", "Yep", I said, grinning. "Lets go", Marshall said, taking my hand. I ran in front of him and in front of the bush, we entered the park through. I opened the hole back up, "Men first", I said. Marshall laughed and went through the hole. I went after him, collecting a few more scratches. I rubbed a scratch, a branch caught my face and scratched my face.
"Where's the closet pizza place?", I asked, "A block away", "Okay". I jogged up to Marshall and held his hand. He looked over to me, Marshall smiled and I smiled back.
As we turned a corner, a news van pulled over and started taking pictures. "For fuck's sake's! Can we not go anywhere, with out you fuckers taking pictures!", Marshall pulled the finger and the camera. I joined in, pulling my finger to. A few questions were asked, but we walked off.
We had arrived outside the pizza place. We walked inside, "I'll order", I said, "Here babe", Marshall said, pulling out a twenty dollar note. Marshall handed me the note, I took it and stood in line. A few minutes later I was at the front. I leaned on the counter, "Two pepperoni pizzas please", "Sure, any drinks?", "Two pepsi's". "Eat here or take away?", "Eat here", "Okay, your pizzas will be ready in five minutes".
I walked to Marshall, he was sitting at a table. I pulled out a chair and sat down. We kinda just sat there, in silence. Not awkward silence, comfortable silence. Marshall made a face at me, I laughed and made one back. We continued to make faces, until our pizzas came.
"Yum", I said, taking a slice of pizza and shoving it into my mouth. Marshall raised an eyebrow, I shrugged it off and continued eating my pizza. Our drinks were placed in front of us, the guy walked off and behind the counter. I ate another slice, took a sip of my drink and ate another slice. I looked over at Marshall, he had only eaten two slices, I had eaten four.
After our pizza, we went back to the hotel. Once we got in the room, we laid on the bed. Marshall had an arm wrapped around me and I had my head on his chest.
Life was getting good.