It had now been a couple of days, me and Marshall were now at home and it was 9:30 A.M. Nate had come over, me and Nate had a couple of beers, we all sat outside. I stole one of Marshall's hoodies, 'cause it was kinda cold outside.
"Catch", Nate said, chucking a beer. I easily caught it, opened it and took a sip. I was sitting next to Marshall, Marshall looked so smug, yet so confused. "Marshy, what's wrong?", "I've never met a woman who likes beer", I raised my beer bottle. Marshall laughed and took a drink from his can of Redbull.
"I'm gonna go for a piss", Marshall said, "Too much info Marshy". Marshall poked his tongue at me, got up and walked inside. I looked over at Nate, he shuffled closer to me. It was kinda uncomfortable how much space wasn't between us. I moved a bit, Nate just moved closer.
I turned my head to look at Nate. What happened next surprised me. Nate smashed his lips on mine, my eyes popped. I pushed him off me, Nate nearly fell of his chair. "What's wrong babe?", Nate asked. "I'm not your babe", I said.
"I'm back", Marshall said, walking back outside. "Phew", I said under my breath. "Something wrong?", Marshall asked. "No! Nothing!", I said quickly. "Okay then", Marshall said, raising a eyebrow then sitting back down.
Isn't this awkward...
Me and Marshall were now in bed. Marshall body warmed me up. I wasn't wearing anything apart from one of Marshall's shirts and my panties. Marshall had his arms around me and I had mine wrapped around him. Marshall was asleep, but I couldn't even close them for ten seconds. The scene from earlier kept playing in my head over and over.
Fuck, I'm so tired. But I can't sleep, something feels wrong. What makes me uneasy is that it feels like I've cheated on Marshall. But it wasn't my fault! I pushed Nate off me. Still, something feels wrong. Fuck it! I'm forcing myself to sleep. I forced my eyes and in what seemed hours, I fell asleep.
When I woke up, Marshall was gone. I looked over at the clock, it was 8:50 A.M. He's probably gone to drop the girls off at school. It was already Tuesday. Time has gone so fast since I met Marshall. So much shit has gone on, I haven't really had happiness.
I turned onto my back, I stared at the roof. When you think about stuff, roofs look so much more interesting. Just like when I'm nervous, my hands and feet became the most interesting thing in the world.
I heard the door creak open, my head turned towards the door. It was Nate, it felt really awkward now. Nate just stared at me, I heard the downstairs door open. Phew, Marshall's back. "Babe, you up?", "Yeah". Nate walked away, it sounded like he walked down the hall.
"I got breakfast", Marshall. I jumped out of bed and raced downstairs. I was running down the stairs so fast, I nearly fell over. I skidded into the kitchen, "Where's the food?", I asked, my eyes scanning for food. "Here", Marshall said, handing my a plate of food.
"Babe, I got a surprise for you", "Is it more food?", I asked eagerly. "No. This", Marshall said, handing me a box. It looked familiar. I put my plate of food on the bench and opened the box. I remember it now, it's the necklace Marshall gave me.
"Put it on me", "Anything for you babe". I turned around, so I faced away from Marshall. I lifted my knotty auburn hair and Marshall put the necklace on me. I put my hair down and turned around. "How does it look?", I asked. "You shine more than the diamonds". "Marshy", I said, pulling him into a hug. I kissed him softly and his hands rested on my butt.
"Hey, no displays of affection in the kitchen", Nate said, I turned my head. He had a smug look on his face. "My kitchen", Marshall said. Nate shook his head in defeat and walked out the kitchen.
"Thanks for the food", I said, letting go of Marshall and resumed eating my food. "Anytime". After a few minutes, all the food on the plate was gone. "I'm gonna go out", I said. "Where?", "Just to the shop". "Okay. Can you get me some Redbull? Nearly out", "Sure".
I put my plate in the sink and walked upstairs. Into Marshall's room and to my bags. Yes, I haven't unpacked. I dug through my bag, shesh I need to wash my clothes. I managed to find some clean underwear and clothes. I slipped them on and dug through my bag.
I found my phone. I tried to turn it on, but it was out of battery. So I found the charger, pulged it into the wall and left my phone to charge. Pulling out some money, I gave most of it back to Marshall, but he gave me some back. I shoved a twenty in my pocket and pulled on a pair of socks and a pair of shoes.
I pulled out most of my clothes out of my bag. I ran out the room, down the hall and into the laundry. I opened the washing machine, dropping some clothes during the process. I shoved the clothes into the washing machine, picked the clothes on the floor, put those in and turned on the washing machine. I walked out the laundry and back downstairs.
"Bye Marshy", I said, I gave Marshall a kiss on his forehead. "Bye babe". I smiled and walked outside. The breeze was cool and the sun was warm. It was perfect to me. I started my walk down to the shop.
In ten minutes, I was outside a supermarket. I walked inside, it was pretty quiet. I grabbed a basket and made my way down a aisle. I grabbed a ten pack of Redbull for Marshall and a V for my self. I walked down another aisle, grabbing a packet of biscuits. I walked down a couple aisles and was done.
I went to the counter, I paid for my things. They bagged my items, "Can I have two bags?", "Sure". They handed my bag to me and a empty bag. "Thanks", I said, smiling and then walking off. I placed my bag in the empty bag, making it not so see through.
I walked back to Marshall's house. The closer I got to Marshall's house, the more nervous I got. I was now outside the door and was feeling slightly sick. I opened the door and stumbled inside. I closed the door behind me, "Hey", Marshall said. "Hey".
I went to the fridge and put Marshall's Redbull and my opened V in the fridge. "What'cha get", "Junk", I said. I opened a pack of biscuits and ate some. I placed them on the bench, "I'll be back". "Okay", I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I pulled out a box. I took a nervous breath. It was a pregnancy test, I sighed.
I did the test and was now pacing in the bathroom. I had to wait for five minutes to get the result. "Babe you alright in there?", Marshall asked, knocking on the bathroom door. "I'm fine", "Are you sure?", "Yep. I'm fine. I'll be downstairs in a couple minutes". "Okay", I heard Marshall walk away. "Phew", I said.
I looked over at the pregnancy test, sitting on the bench. The test was done. I bit my lip as I checked the stick. I checked the box, two lines = pregnant, one line = not pregnant. I looked at the stick. Two lines. Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I mentally said, over and over again.
What am I gonna tell Marshall?